Simply Magic Server is needed.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Wotsalot, Jul 13, 2016.


Whats your favorite Magic Mod

  1. AM2 (Ars Magica 2)

  2. Thaumcraft (and its addons)

  3. Botania

  4. Witchery

    0 vote(s)
  5. AC (Aura Cascade)

    0 vote(s)
  6. No one cares for Mysticraft. Xp

    0 vote(s)
  7. Other unrelated Magic related mod

  8. Blood magic

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  1. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    8:31 AM
    as a general rule banning is only used if we are 100% sure we have to fill out a ban report with our evidence that system would leave chance. thats not something we want. we dont want to see 2 people online and have to guess using there play time then we are punnishing the longer term players
  2. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    Well I can say that's BS right now. I've seen people get banned for just stopping in a place that's been grieved and not actually have done anything themselves while the Griefers got away scott-free. Or they did to the best of my knowledge. So 100% is not a real Factor here it's more like an 80% at best with a little bit of detective work. I seen admins who just want to get it over with quickly and band the first person that looks like they did wrong.
    I'm not saying it would be easy and I don't truly know how you guys can do what you do, but I do know you guys have access to Time Records of when something was done and who was on at that time who had the rank/Trust to do it. That combined with some logic you can demote or tempt band players until they can prove they didn't do it which they should be able to just buy proving they weren't in the area with their own time records that you have access to.
    Again it sounds like it would be a lot of work and it probably is but to me it would prove that staff is not a joke and the rules are serious.
  3. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    now the key words there is "Or they did to the best of my knowledge." we have prism we can see when a block is broke who broke it, if a chest is opened we can see who opened it we can see who starts fires we can see anything any player does(mostly) we before we ban a player have to make a ban report we have to be 100% sure before we ban anyone and even if on the rare occasion we did get it wrong we have the ban appeal system so another member of staff can double check what happened.
  4. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    9:31 AM
    You disqualified yourself already in your starter post by leaving out Blood Magic in your poll.
    johnfg10 likes this.
  5. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    3:31 AM
    I know I totally forgot about blood magic when I was posting this.
    I facepalm when I realized it.
  6. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    May I suggest something else? Apply for staff, become admin and you can do all the stuff you suggested yourself.
  7. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    added bloodmagic for your :)[DOUBLEPOST=1468578686,1468578648][/DOUBLEPOST]
    you will also need to be very skilled in java
    Sandstroem likes this.
  8. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    Thank you? Why I figured this post was going to be closed soon because no matter what I say there's always more knit picky problems and excuses that shoot me down and I have no real answer for most of them.
  9. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    we have no reason to close it? unless you want it closed?
  10. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    And there you go you answered my dilemma. You have the power to see who did what and when. Combine that with a ranking / trust system that unlocks more risky items / spells makes it harder and a better deterrent for Griefers so I really don't see what the problem is here in the terms of grief protection and what not in the sense of this General discussion we're having or more like I'm having.
  11. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    i ment currently im not sure about the magic systems but as far as i know they dont show up correctly.
  12. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    No I don't want it closed I want MYM to have a simply magic server, i just want a real magic themed server for people like me who just want to play with magic and not machinery like the other Machinery themed and only Machinery themed servers you guys use.[DOUBLEPOST=1468579603][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I guess I'm really not making this clear. The whole point of what I'm saying about the trust slash rank system and whatnot is so you can get the information you can from the game itself and make judgments to the best of your abilities otherwise and then have the players defend themselves if your judgements you're wrong. I'm not talking about permanent ban but more like restrictions and temp bands until they can prove which you can find and confirm for yourself if said guilty party it is not truly guilty.[DOUBLEPOST=1468579733,1468579244][/DOUBLEPOST]I made that sound a lot more confusing than I meant to or should have been.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
  13. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    8:31 AM
    if that happens it is 1 very uncommon 2 it will be for something like a hour and after the ban will be removed from there record
  14. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Just off the top of my head here are some of the issues...

    AM2 bypasses griefs and can be used at a long distance with no detection without patching the mod
    Very small player base so not a popular modpack
    Other mods with total bypass
    Normal time to setup and pregenning a server

    Rough figure... 150-200 hours of dev and admin work compared to a normal server of roughly 16-40 hours.
    johnfg10 likes this.
  15. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    9:31 AM
    About the small player base, is that a fact or a hypothesis?

    I know some people who like magic mods, but hate technic mods.
  16. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    Okay I'm going to stop here right now at least for the moment till I get some sleep. My voice to text on my phone it's making it so much harder for me to get my point across with all these autocorrects...if I can even get it across.

    Anyways you guys as staff have the ability to make it so much harder for Griefers to be trolls with item restrictions and item bands to player restriction and player bands without lopping off half of the mod packs items by giving players who have put more time and effort and money more freedom for the progression of end game items/spells. Otherwise giving trust to the playerbase community is completely useless.[DOUBLEPOST=1468581470,1468580599][/DOUBLEPOST]
    AM2 does not bypass most grief protection from my experience, and from what it can bypass could be fixed with restrictions to spells and spell books just like the Thaumcraft wands.

    Saying it doesn't have a large player base is like saying no one has a voice or an opinion. It's not there for anyone to try and judge for themselves whether they like it or not.
    And as for your estimation of 150 - 200 hours is gross over exaggeration but understandable of what you're trying to say that it would be a lot more time spent on a Modpack that you believe may not be popular or even work well. Again no trust in the player community.
  17. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    I know of at least 3 spells i could use without even needing the spellbook near a claim that could be used to grief as well as 2 massive dupes that allow dupeing of anything.[DOUBLEPOST=1468581669][/DOUBLEPOST]10/10 ars magica has no issues-_-
  18. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    Lucid the stick if you really think this is a waste of time and whatnot and there's no player base and the resource cost is too high and what not please just close this form or post or whatever it's called and call it quits[DOUBLEPOST=1468581999][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Well yeah you don't need a spell book to use the Spells. And if you're caught duping... well as far as I know that's a bannable offense. There's ways to grief within any mod pack as well as ways to dup with most modpacks.
    So what's your point? That you're willing to put in the time and effort just so you can get yourself banned.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
  19. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    Im not but i can make that sell in about 8 min im sure a griefer will hapily spend 8 minites crafting.
  20. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    We arent against you but lucid has clearly pointed out why this couldnt happen, and he is one of the most knowledgable here about this so
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