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Simply Magic Server is needed.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Wotsalot, Jul 13, 2016.


Whats your favorite Magic Mod

  1. AM2 (Ars Magica 2)

  2. Thaumcraft (and its addons)

  3. Botania

  4. Witchery

    0 vote(s)
  5. AC (Aura Cascade)

    0 vote(s)
  6. No one cares for Mysticraft. Xp

    0 vote(s)
  7. Other unrelated Magic related mod

  8. Blood magic

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  1. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    3:46 AM
    I doubt you can make any real grief damage in 8 minutes much less if staff implements any of the suggestions I've been suggesting.
    Like restricting spells and the spell book near any claims making it difficult and much harder to do your spell that you claim you can do in 8 minutes.[DOUBLEPOST=1468582508][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I never said or implied he wasn't knowledgeable.
    What I did imply was that he was exaggerating to get his point across.
  2. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    8:46 AM
    Im pretty sure hes not exaggerating, John knows AM2 better than most as he was the one to put it into Civ, also lucid doesnt exaggerate, he gives hard facts that he knows are true.
    The main point is that:
    The popularity is too low and work needed would be way too much
    And that is why.
    What happens when YOUR methods dont work, because im sure 90% of people will find a way around it either on purpose or by accident.
    You absolutely think your ideas will work.
    MYM has never had Towny to my knowledge because their system works better
    AM2 is highly frowned apon for its bypasses of such things
    Harder for tickets to be sorted about this
    And all that makes work for this 10X harder.
  3. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    I know what sir lucid means with his exaggerations. That he believes that the work they may put into this will not bear any real fruit.
    And I'm saying you never really know till you try and I'm trying my hardest to give suggestions and ideas and whatnot to just get the thought in the door instead of being byistly pushed out.
    You don't make anything good if you don't put work and time into it and with the way simply magic the mod pack is it can be really good given the chance but also completely destroyed if too many restrictions and bands are placed on it.
  4. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    8:46 AM
    May I ask how much experience u have had with 1 grief protection and 2 ars magica?
  5. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    8:46 AM
    Exactly plus you have to remember this is a business, they want the most popular packs to bring in the most people and unfortunately your idea wouldnt do this.
    Also i would refrain from saying lucid is exaggerating when hes stating the truth
  6. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    That's not a real easy question to answer.
    I have experience with mods and admins dealing with grief protection and rollbacks and bands yes but I'm not done this in probably the last year-and-a-half so I'm not up to date on the latest and the greatest of grief protection and as far as ARS Magica goes I can say I've been playing that for maybe a year now off and on. So at the very least I can say my opinion has a little experience to back it up, though it may not count for Jack anymore.
  7. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    8:46 AM
    And do tell me, If lucid is exaggerating then you must be too
  8. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    As far as the exaggeration goes I'm just stating how I felt his truth was to me. And no it's not a business if it was a business they would be getting sued for making money that goes to employees and whatnot. All the donations and earnings and what not go to keeping the servers open and up and in as well as upgrades and whatnot. But in a sense I guess you can call it like a micro business or a nonprofit organization.
  9. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Youve been told No end of im not arguing with you become its like slamming my head against the wall.
    You solely believe that this will be good
    Ive seen whole magic mods only get tops of 10 people on at a time
    Also look at the amount of people who voted on this thread, 23 people isnt grounds for this
    Youd need upwards of 40 to 50 to even get considered
    Even though Lucid one of the highest staff here has told you why its not possible
    It wont happen end of discussion
  10. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    I would like to see one post where I make an exaggeration or something similar or greater to 150 to 200 hours of manpower. All my posts have been ideas and whatnot we're trying to keep Griefers at Bay and at the same time imply with a little bit of sarcasm as well as reverse psychology that the staff of MYM can make a stellar simply magic server.[DOUBLEPOST=1468584481][/DOUBLEPOST]
    end of discussion is when they close this post. On that note this post is not been up long enough for 40 to 50 people to vote or comment. And you Can keep slamming your head into a wall because I'm going to keep on with my ideas and suggestions until this post is closed.
    X)[DOUBLEPOST=1468584652,1468584167][/DOUBLEPOST]I know a simply magic server is not going to happen for resource reasons Manpower reasons griefing and protection reasons and so on so forth but I'm not going to stop with my ideas and suggestions as long as they're going to be heard.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
  11. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    To be fair I'd say my guess on man hours is actually on the low side. I didn't bloat those numbers.

    I could just close this and say no, however I felt it was fair to give discussion and reasons why. You continue to spout off unsupported and uneducated "facts" and logical strawman. I gave you reasons backed up with facts and logic.

    Everytime I give you information on why or how, you want to say I don't know whay I'm talking about. I'm sorry you feel that way but since I've been here as a Director for over a year, I'm pretty confident in my opinions and information in regards to the server software, plugins, and most mod interactions within the platform.
  12. If this server comes into existence then it will 100% be a PvP server without claims if nothing is banned from use. That means that it will be very short lived and end up like civ. Making a server with everything-bypassing stuff completely changes the reason for which most people play on a server, which is, to make stuff without fear that a nutcase will come with something like witches hand or a dislocation wand and wreck everything in sight.
  13. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    Yeah only me and stud can do that ;)
    SirStudMuffin likes this.
  14. Btw why are you sooo against to playing a magic themed modpack? There are quite a lot of them out there which are purely magical. You can also play infinity and not touch the tech side if it pains you. If you hate it, don't use it.
  15. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    Firstly I ment the programming side.

    Second so u havnt actuly tested them together?[DOUBLEPOST=1468597153,1468590944][/DOUBLEPOST]
    i would say quite largly under estimated the amount of man ours :) also lucid knows what hes on about lucid is never(or very very rarely) wrong if he says something hes right.[DOUBLEPOST=1468597240][/DOUBLEPOST]
    thats exactly why im against it because you can go and play a pack like idk crackpack, hypo, inf and ignore the tech stuffs
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
  16. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Ive only seen lucid wrong once ;)
  17. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    First off "A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent."

    Were have I built a Strawman as you say! Every thing I have said is sided with "How I Felt" and "To My Experience/Knowledge" and not fact, and on that note I have stated that I don't know and that I'm just tying.
    The only facts I have stated is that I beleave MYM could do it and that I know you cant do it for resource, manpower/hour, possible low population and grief protection bypassing reasons .
    "Everytime I give you information on why or how, you want to say I don't know whay (what) I'm talking about." This tells me you just skimmed what I have said or just plain didn't read it. I know you are a busy man ( I hate that word "busy" I think of buses every time I see it ) and I know you know what you are talking about and iv kneeled to you over and over again.
    Please... if you are going to spout "strawman" and and call me "uneducated" insulting me at least ready my comments first.

    I,m going to say it again Lucid I FELT you were inflating that FACTS. I was wrong and I can admit to that going off your "judgment".
    I KNOW this server is not going to happen and I have stated that two, three times all ready.

    I can go all day pulling up definitions and numbers and facts...hell any one can, this is the age of the internet and I/you can allmost find any thing on it.
    I chose not to do so because I'm lazy and just wanted to play a *......* game ( I didn't curse. I completely censored my self ...use your imagination less it wither and die. XD ) besides whats the point if you are just going to skim it any ways and still tell me what I all ready know... is that its a big fat no. XD lol
    Lucid just close this post all ready, this has boild down to name calling and insults all ready, Me (Wotsalot) wrong in every way and you (the Director) right in every possible way.
    What point can I make that cant be said "You are wrong and he/I am right"?
    Did I even make even one point this hole time? Did I waste every ones time? Did I even need to make a post knowing I was going to be shot in the face before hand?
    No I most likely didn't make any good points and failed miserably at even trying.
    I Most likely did waste every ones time.
    Yes...Yes I did have to try, because if you don't try nothing will ever happen even if you think you all ready know the outcome.[DOUBLEPOST=1468606464][/DOUBLEPOST]My last post, no point in trying any further knowing for a fact I'm just going to marked as a bad guy and ignored.
    Well like i said before I'm still going to play on MYM and most likly donate some more when I can.
    Tell the next time I have a half thought out suggest and and poor uneducated ... ideas. Have fun and be well.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
  18. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Actually I generally read every post in a thread before I reply. There are rare exceptions but I did read all of yours. Just wanted to point that out, but otherwise refrain from commenting as you seem to take it as a personal insult rather than a discussion.
    Ankoku_no_Hime likes this.
  19. Wotsalot

    Wotsalot Well-Known Member

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    You got it boss.[DOUBLEPOST=1468607868,1468607300][/DOUBLEPOST]Lol personal insault. shot fired lol.
    I knew that was going to be used.. every one uses that on me becouse of the way I talk and type, with heart and passion lol with some braind thinking. lol
    But you right that did come off as too personal. well what can I say I'm just uneducated lol (that was me making fun of your comment about and uneducated fact) lol[DOUBLEPOST=1468607909][/DOUBLEPOST]Sighs* yea i did it again.
    plz just close this post Lucid.
  20. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    8:46 AM
    closed per request.
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