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Skyfactory 2.5 End Game List for the market

Discussion in 'Sky Factory 2' started by robzombie91, May 24, 2016.

  1. robzombie91

    robzombie91 Well-Known Member

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    I'n reality its up to the mods/admins to set the tone on what should be sold on the market. I just made a list to make it slightly easier to find things. If it has to be added so be it but i will need one of the mods/admins to msg me or comment so i can be sure if it is to be added

    Edit: Or should have the final say
  2. linkgold2

    linkgold2 Well-Known Member

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    *Removed draconium ingots from being allowed due to them still being "Endgame" because of the need for a low chance of drop from endstone and or going to deep dark.
  3. vyryn

    vyryn Well-Known Member

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    link draconium can easily be obtained in very large quantities from comets in the end. Endstone can also easily be obtained early game by right clicking a barrel of lava with glowstone dust. Once again we find the troubles of people unfamiliar with the pack making decisions that affect all players. It is unfortunate that these people make these decisions without consulting those familiar with the pack first.
    I would like a refund for the enlistment price of the draconium you or someone else removed from the market when draconium ingots were still allowed. It comes to 240 myms. Thank you kindly for correcting your mistakes.
  4. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    If someone removed the items from market you should have them on your mail
  5. vyryn

    vyryn Well-Known Member

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    That is correct. Perhaps you misunderstood what I meant: The market charges you a fee to list your item. If it is taken down, your fee is not returned, only the items. I had quite a bit of draconium listed when it was allowed to be sold, and someone took it down. I am requesting a refund for the myms I lost as listing fee because someone took it off the market when they weren't supposed to.
    I am sure you understand that I do not need the money so much, but this is a matter of principle. A staff member made a mistake that cost me, and therefore they should reimburse me what they directly cost me.

    I also believe there needs to be a more specific and precise definition of "end game item" so that people unfamiliar with the pack do not keep making these mistakes, and so that there is less conflict about what should and should not be on these lists.
    I would like to recommend the following definition of end game item:
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2016
    profrags likes this.
  6. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    Well, as on the List says:
    "This list may be edited at any point."
    And even if you removed the items from the market you would lose what you paid. Its economy.
    And then you have the no refund policy. mym.li/refunds
  7. vyryn

    vyryn Well-Known Member

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    Mouro, nowhere does it say "This list may be edited at any point, and changes will be retroactive to whenever I choose". It says "This list
    may be edited at any point", meaning that decisions are not effective retroactively. From the timestamp on link's post I know for a fact that my items were removed more than a day before the list was changed, therefore at the time my items were removed the list was in effect and the staff member who removed them was in the wrong.
    I had no intention of removing my items from the market. They were forcibly removed when they would otherwise have been sold. Therefore, these items being removed was the only thing that prevented the full and complete sale of these items.
    From mym.li/refunds, the list of cases where items are not refunded include a wide variety of situations, but ALL of them have one thing in common: These things are either caused by the player or unavoidable. the refund policy does not mention incorrect (applying the principle of charity) staff action anywhere. You using this policy for my request is equivalent to claiming that an admin who world edited my island out of existence (without any reason like corrupted chunks, ect) would not try to undo it.

    Once again, I am pursuing this issue as a matter of principle. If the staff member responsible for this mistake (applying the principle of charity) merely replied to this thread with a brief apology I would be satisfied.
    profrags likes this.
  8. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    Well, if you want ask about a refund, create a new post on support.
  9. robzombie91

    robzombie91 Well-Known Member

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    If a staff member wants to take over the original post please do so since im not playing as much as i want too
  10. Snowfoxs

    Snowfoxs Well-Known Member

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    Reverted list to allow draconium ingots (non-awakened) to be sold on the market.
    mrminesheeps and LucidTheStick like this.
  11. 987654321Rui

    987654321Rui Well-Known Member

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    why was the yellow hearts removed from endgame item list
  12. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    because their main ingredient is a notch apple (8 gold blocks and an apple) since the recipe comprises of a red heart canister, notch apple, and yellow heart, they aren't made of endgame items per-se. green hearts are banned for an obvious reason, because their recipe comprises of things like the block of bedrockium and dragon hearts.
    987654321Rui likes this.
  13. 987654321Rui

    987654321Rui Well-Known Member

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  14. TheHarald

    TheHarald Well-Known Member

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    Is it possible to get this thread moved to the official Endgame items forum? This isn't where such a thread should belong.
    It causes far too much confusion among the players and sometimes moderators in game. Some follow the old list, because who thinks to look in a support forum for an endgame list?
  15. R_Vaillyn

    R_Vaillyn Well-Known Member

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    All Chance pendants are allowed to be sold, because they can be crafted normally with the LVL1 pendant..?
  16. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    Allow ONLY Minicio, Coal, Water, Technicolor, Nature, Earth, Fire, Air essences from Magical crops (Tier 1 of Essences, used to craft Regular Infusion Stone) to sell on market.
  17. Thy_RedDragon

    Thy_RedDragon Well-Known Member

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    How do you get netherstars with out killing a wither the only way to do that is if the server was peaceful (hence the peaceful recipe)
  18. robzombie91

    robzombie91 Well-Known Member

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    Good to see the staff is handling the changes. Thanks
  19. Tiani2709

    Tiani2709 Well-Known Member

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    I don't think Blutonium is a end-game item, you can even setup a Turbine from Big Reactor without ever made a Reactor with help of MFR. To make cyanite you craft Yellorium + Sand.
  20. RyuuOuji

    RyuuOuji Well-Known Member

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    I see that Charged Draconic Blocks aren't on the list, although it is on other lists. Wouldn't that be considered endgame simply due to the power needed to make it?

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