New Solar Panel Palooza!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by MineYourMind, Feb 25, 2019.

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  1. BanananaBread

    BanananaBread The W̴̬̔̂i̴̝͇̇̚l̷͈̾̍l̷̨̋͠ǒ̴̫͝w̴̫̬̍͛

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    8:07 PM
    D a n g.
  2. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Teams are random, right?
  3. LordFungi

    LordFungi Patron Tier 1

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    8:07 PM
    @GreyWolf11 I forgot to add one more question. Will we get to choose teammates or will they be randomly selected? And will the questbook be enabled, im not sure if thats a thing or not you can you disable. Sorry about the questions I just wanna know all that i can, haven't participated in one of these events before.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2019
  4. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    Teams will be randomly assigned (unless a team occurs where they simply will not work together, those will be re-rolled.)
    The quest book is for Infinity Expert only, as this is a normal run through, it will not be enabled.
  5. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    Correct (unless a team can mutually agree that it’d be better for them to not be together, in which case it will be re-rolled)
  6. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    We could always just use the standard recipes we currently have in place for presses, this might make the process more streamlined.

    7. Do you anticipate having enough staff to actually meet the demand for the contest?

    8. Why this challenge, we already know how long it takes to make ultimate solar panels with people working together. Short of duping that is we do have an average time to completion so in theory everyone would finish in roughly the same amount of time accounting for RNG of materials.

    9. When will we have a breakout event?

    10. Regrowth.. That is all.
  7. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    We have back up plans in case this comes about.

    Knowledge would also come into affect here. How to do things more efficient. What makes this a contest. Put everyone's knowledge to the test.

    When there's enough support for it.

    This doesn't really relate not only to the point of this post but Events in general.
    wyndman likes this.
  8. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    7. Yes, so far we are keeping steady and we have a contingency plan in case we can’t turn the active staff comments.
    8. This challenge is formulated from our turnout in past events, feedback, and simply what we think as a team. Not entirely sure why if you had feedback it wasn’t passed off to us during our development phase in the staff forums, or why you didn’t utilize our many feedback posts to give your opinion.
    The objective is to force teams to think critically and constructively about how/where to cut corners, If the extra base points are worth it etc.
    9. Plainly?: when one fits into our schedule and there’s backing for one.
    Number 10 doesn’t deserve a reply :p
    wyndman likes this.
  9. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    Just think this as a speed run, most speed run world records are seconds faster then other people and this could be the same. So make every second count on the server.
  10. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    For anyone wanting it, an optimal strategy guided for getting this as fast as possible:
    I'm basing it off of Ultimate Solar Panel : feedthebeast for resource requirements

    Since these are assuming 2 players are rushing this as much as possible, I'll start out with:

    Both log on, both immediately rush for a tree, one person (player 1) needs to make 2 crafting tables (or abuse the translocator crafting tables if not banned), the other needs to make 1, the person with 2 crafting tables is then going to dig down immediately to start gathering cobble & materials, and also is rushing for lava.

    The other player (player 2) is going to go get botania flowers, as the catalysts from botania can duplicate nether quartz, so rushing that is a must, meaning that he's out getting flowers IMMEDIATELY. This is one of the most important steps as it allows for reliable generation of redstone, coal, and nether quartz. Your goal will be to get to munchdews at the start, going for as fast mana generation as possible, just so that you can make the elementium required for the conjuration catalyst. Conjuration Catalyst - Feed The Beast Wiki for more specifics.

    Back to player 1: He's probably at lava by now and his goal is only to get the base setup before he can go mine for diamonds, put down a chest, throw all unneeded resources in, the goal here is a reliable cobblestone generator to get sand up and running. This will have to be a block-based one.

    After they gather the starting resources to begin this (ASSUMING: player 1 has been smelting iron, etc. this whole time as he was mining & player 2 has begun the process of making the low-level mana generation flowers) their new goal is 1. power generation, using the iron player 1 collected you're making the survivalist generator to start out your power, and get a pulverizor as fast as possible running, player 2 is getting back for resources, remember? Player 2 should make enough ladders to get up/down the shaft Player 1 made, making the base at the surface, for botania. Then at this location player 1 is placing the pulverizor + power and player 2 is setting up botania.

    During this one should also setup a cobblestone generator + separate pulverizor + furnace + fuel to begin the glassmaking process.

    After this is setup, player 1 heads to the bottom again for diamonds, strip mining the standard way at y=11 (or whatever is the most effecient layer, might be ~7), if you have 3 diamonds already, skip this and head to the nether to get some quartz, blaze rods, and . Player 2 is STILL aiming for botania, but once basic mana generation is setup needs to get to the next part:

    Setting up a treefarm. Player 2 focuses on a treefarm while player 1 is focused on getting to the nether. Player 2 should use a nether quartz sized OAK TREE FARM, oak trees are important as you're not focused on getting wood (which would be spruce) but leaves (oak produces more overall). You're building this farm from MFR, and you're powering it using itself, the farm will use wood for power and a section of the farm will be used for munchdews.

    If player 1 has gotten 6 nether quartz, at this point he needs to come back to player 2 to give it to him and get that farm running.

    Player 1 after giving player 2 the quartz is now going back to find and get netherwart, you need a bunch of it to work on your munchdews (well, more like 2 netherwart, but you still need it for some other stuff).

    After the treefarm is up and running, getting it to plant every spot should happen, player 2 should have bonemeal (90% chance you've killed a skeleton), and so use that to get saplings into the system as to run it as fast as possible ASAP.

    Player 1 should come back with the netherwart ASAP to give it to player 2, as it's needed to start player 2's next part.

    After this, player 1's goal is making a cleaver with as much beheading as possible, as to get as many wither skeleton skulls as possible, you do not need manyulyn or anything, but player 1's goal after getting the initial quartz is now gather resources for a minimalist smeltery and making that cleaver.

    Player 2 is now going to work on munchdews, as combined with that oak tree farm they are the fastest easily automated flower for mana generation. After munchdews are obtained, player 2's goal is now switched entirely, player 2 is now focused on resource collection and mining for iron. The goal is to get an RF powered furnace and to collect iron.

    Player 1 should be done soon(-ish) and once he's done, go back to the fortress and collect blaze rods and wither skulls. Player 1 should then get ready for killing the wither, and he needs to do it quickly and well with very little. The goal with the first wither (you need to kill 16 of them) is actually to get a division sigil, as you need this to best make a mobfarm.

    Player 2 should next be working on the parts to make a mobfarm, he'll need to get the MFR grinder ready and have an area outside for the division sigil ritual, he's making the sigil in the mobfarm area to keep the stuff contained. He'll need a chest output, pipes to get rid of everything but ender pearls, and of course, the MFR grinder, he'll also want to tank the mob essence so that you can get endermen to spawn ASAP via the MFR spawner. You may want to use this to exact-copy wither skeletons and kill them via the beheading system as well, but it doesn't matter much as your goal is endermen actually.

    After this, player 1 needs to go out for diamonds, and gold etc. while player 2 begins working towards alfheim, player 2 needs to get as much done with any available diamonds as possible. If he can't get any more done while waiting for player 1, start up the mobfarm if it's night-time or make the ore smelting system faster.

    Player 1 gets back, gives player 2 the needed diamonds (or GOLD) and then goes off to the nether for a ghast tear, he needs to get it for safari nets. If player 2 is still working when you get back, make the safari net and find an enderman to capture, you need him to get pearls and that's the priority. If that's done, you'll also want to capture a blaze and wither skeleton (more nets).

    Player 2 should be done soon, his goal is the conjuration catalyst (needs blaze rods from player 1) and that's what you're getting. Should be simple enough at this point, as you should have the mobfarm up soon.

    Once Player 2 is done with that, he needs to setup the nether quartz duping system as it's the fastest way to generate netherquartz reliably.

    Player 1 is DONE with mining for random stuff now, he wants to make a Quantum Quarry and get power for it. The goal is to get as much lead and resources as possible, and powering it should not be done off your woodfarm.

    Player 2 should be done and next be working on upgrading power, the better power generation the better, IDK what you should use at this point, I haven't played IE in such a long time and I cba to actually draft it out for what's best rn. But get something up to power the quantum quarry and run it well.

    Player 1 after being done with the quantum quarry stuff, should next be working on getting to a tesseract (sending items as I/O for the base). This is so that you can move the quantum quarry around for well, good reasons.

    This is the point where it's less clear what players should work on, but in general the goal will now be: AE2 setup and action, more power, and more munchdews for mana generation.

    You should be duplicating nether quartz with the mana generation as well as your redstone and coal and that is simple enough to automate, etc.

    So... yhea, that's the basic starting layout for what you need to do as the pair teams for effeciency... If you want more/my opinions 1. I am not an absolute authority, this is just a general outline and 2. just ask, I spent like an hour writing this up, I'm happy to answer questions.

    Also reminder: I haven't played IE in quite a long time.... I'm probably inaccurate but I still remember what's needed to be done generally...
    LadyRen13 likes this.
  11. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    Will we be seeing chugga compete? Interested to see you jump in
    LadyRen13 likes this.
  12. LordFungi

    LordFungi Patron Tier 1

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    8:07 PM
    @chugga_fan why did you just post an entire essay on how to win the contest
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2019
  13. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Maybe he just wrote down the most complicated way ever and hopes everyone follows it. :)
    p5k likes this.
  14. LordFungi

    LordFungi Patron Tier 1

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    no this actual seems like a plausible way to do it. If both players were efficient, they could do this pretty fast, but since commands like /home may not be an option you'd have to think about how fast you could travel between places. Getting reliable transport like a minecart or jetpack might be a priority.
    [doublepost=1551288885][/doublepost]Heya since Chugga just posted an essay on how to win the contest maybe we should change the contest and ban chugga from it :p
  15. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    I have no plans on participating (I no longer have the time to play at the levels I used to and am no longer familiar with the pack), but I was trying to make a general guideline for anyone wondering on "optimizing" or "trying to get it done quickly"
  16. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    1. When is deadline/closing date for entries
    2. When will we know who is our staff team mate
    3. How will we know (Pm or disclosed publicly) who our team mate is?
    if these have already been answered, Sorry, i have looked through this thread but couldnt see. (I can be blind sometimes)

  17. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    1. Signups will continue to be allowed through the competition, provided that staff are still available to be paired up.
    2. I’ll be pushing all this out in a public listing on March 5th, gives you almost a full week to discuss and plan for the beginning of the event.
    3.Publicly listed ex: Team Chocolate Frog is @Peace7904 and @Punane
    So it’ll be like that for each team.
    dragon87tamer likes this.
  18. LordFungi

    LordFungi Patron Tier 1

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    When will these teams be listed? I hope at least one or two days before the competition starts so we can at least get to know eachother and discuss things
  19. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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  20. LordFungi

    LordFungi Patron Tier 1

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    8:07 PM
    Oh, yeah. Didn't see that. Thanks
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