^^[DOUBLEPOST=1434469724][/DOUBLEPOST]i think people that are well trusted shoulb be able to run this command
I actually thought the same thing. Proposed solution could be... 1) Player runs the command 2) Server spits back the information about use of the command and asks the player to confirm 3) Player confirms the command then it starts in "Lag checking..." and informs players 4) Plugin then tracks the tps across a predetermined number of checks, if it is below for all the checks or 2/3 then it trips the alert and starts the vote, otherwise it informs the requesting player that server performance is not low enough and triggers cooldown.
I dislike the idea of making it a staff command. Why? Because all a staff member needs to do is ask a higher up to restart the server or investigate the issue. In my opinion, its a useful command for certain situations (late night, lower population server, etc). I am somewhat following Slind with the idea of making it only available for high-playtime members or at least make it so that they are the only ones who can start the vote.
Another possibility would be to add a ["trusted"] rank or similar which is obtained either by a staff member(senior moderator+) granting it, or having a certain playtime rank. This would allow players that are trusted to use /srv and in the future create an easier platform for granting access to similar commands.
then i'd be the only one to obtain it that plays on alot of servers alot, (other than Krymez, booker, and all prev mods/admins/sr.mods that are in good standing with the staff) it would generalize alot of things, and i think players would be turned away (possibly) from a server that does such
that is not the case, many players have high playtime, and are in good standing with the staff, also firstly im not saying that it has to be trusted, or even have an additional prefix or title, with most permissions plugins, EI. Group Manager and PermissionsEX, it is possible to add subgroups to ranks(at least the last time I used them), so no it would not create a lot of controversy(in my opinion), and secondly I do not believe that this would deter people from playing, it is not like we are removing the commands that all players have had before /srv, and plenty of people have played and still do before then.
i understand this, but i was referring to the first part, the second part i have agreed to, and many of the "high playtime" players are donors, plenty of which have AFKed and acheved this, i do understand that it wouldn't be taking away many commands, but if the extra prefix is used and it was determined by a senior mod+ many new players would be infused with the thoughts that upper staff members are biased (which really isn't the case), and that is the part i had a problem with, you may carry on with the rest of scanning the thread's i've posted to now
lol, I mostly dont scan threads youve posted in, mostly I check recent threads, and as stated above, no prefix is necessary
[offtopic] AlphaRue allow me to view it xD I find alot of interesting threads by post stalking you xD Apr 28, 2015 [/offtopic] yes, but i'm saying if there WERE to be one, it would be a bad, idea
I haven't seen it used very often. In the past week though, people have used it, and it doesn't get many votes or no votes at all, making it useless. I think it is better to wait for a natural restart, or if the situation is dire enough, get an admin to force one.