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Staff are players too

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Kutao217, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. metalobism

    metalobism Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    10:10 AM
    I just spotted it as well it is indeed amazing.
  2. rootbeeralaska

    rootbeeralaska Well-Known Member

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    9:10 AM
    Staff just keep this I mind, us players of the MineYourMind network loooove you guys to bits even if we don't show it but deep down inside there's always that little spark of love for staff <3
    johnfg10 and Sandstroem like this.
  3. BennSC

    BennSC Member

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    2:10 AM
    Yeah i completely agree!!
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    11:10 AM
    two, months, lol, sry but this post was dead for 2 months, don't have to revive it
  5. rootbeeralaska

    rootbeeralaska Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
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    9:10 AM
    Kill Ze post quickly!! Before it revives!!!
  6. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    Well, someone sticky'd the post, making it forever relevant until it no longer appears at the top of the page...

    As to the subject matter, I do believe that in most cases, regardless of server, the staff do tend to be under-appreciated... And for the few bad staff peeps out there in the world, they tend to be in the minority...

    But not only are they players too, they are also people, doing a thankless voluntary job... And as people with varying personalities, they will from time to time get frustrated or emotionally upset when crap doesn't go right or players under their watch act like immature in-patient children... Players quickly forget that Servers are not money making business', out to get your money, and provide sub-standard customer service... In fact it is against the law to run servers as a money making business, but this does not mean they can't take donations or go about other allowed means of reimbursing the costs of running servers... But some players often forget this, and some donators may think that if they donate, that entitles them to treat server staff members as meager customer service reps that should bow to their whims and needs, which is a falsity...

    In addition, most server owners are not the Mod Pack/Mod Authors, who are themselves also volunteers doing a thankless job... Stability issues in some packs, and TPS issues are not always related to the server hardware or something the staff can solve quickly or at all... I'm sure there are cases where this might be true, where the hardware can't handle running the pack/mods with the number of players involved... But all in all it is usually the incompatibility issues between the mods within the pack... And no one is perfect at working out the kinks, and modifying all that needs to be altered to ensure the server runs smoothly all day and night... If the packs and servers were perfect, we wouldn't need staff to fix the issues for us...

    As to players asking staff questions about a pack or mod; with all that staff sometimes has to deal with, throughout a given day of volunteering their time, sometimes they just don't have the time to answer questions that could have been easily answered by either other members, you tube spotlight/tutorial videos, or a quick search on the web... You will have new players who have no clue, and questions will be very abundant... It just takes patience and understanding both on the players end and the staff's end to muddle through these types of situations where questions are being asked about the game... As long as we are all kind to one another and remember we are all human beings with unique feelings and emotions, I'm sure things will always work out while not purposefully hurting each other along the way...

    Of course, you will also have the troll element, in essence, players who just love causing trouble for others... Or those players/staff with over abundant ego's... We can only hope to avoid them and have faith that those folks will get dealt with by persons higher on the food chain than themselves... But that should never be thought of as the norm...

    We are ALL people after all, people with similar goals of having fun, regardless if that fun is through playing the game, or helping other players out by managing the game...

    Snowfoxs, Sandstroem, _prpl_ and 6 others like this.
  7. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    3:10 PM
    Probably because people keep poking the MYM staff hornet nest
  8. Cro_V2

    Cro_V2 Well-Known Member

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    10:10 AM
    as op said, being a staff is difficult and those that stay after the continued "harrassment" <- idk what word to use, by the players is why i decided to leave staff and mym for a long while.(and college and school work ect.) but the staff are here to help the players, but they are people too.
  9. General_Shrooms

    General_Shrooms New Member

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    11:10 AM
    I'm not gonna lie, there may have been a time where I argued with a staff member (but come on, is "idiot" really a swear?), but I 100% agree with this. If your going to get upset about the rules, don't take it out on the people that have to enforce them.

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