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TeamSpeak vs Discord - on which side are you on?

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by kamild_, Jul 20, 2016.


Which side are you on? (I encourage you to discuss!)

  1. Discord

  2. TeamSpeak

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  1. Immykins

    Immykins Professional Torbjörn

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    4:08 AM
    Main reason I use discord is the way the chat is implimented. I find it easier to use when the chat rooms are not specific to peoples voice rooms, Plus because of all the bots you can have that make life easier. you can also make discord look different using things such as Better discord themes or just the default white or black. For me i have no issues with ping when using discord so I am not sure what it feels like. But i assure you from my standpoint. I see nothing wrong with it. Plus discord is constantly evolving. They have a blog (Discord) in which they constantly update discord with new features every 2 weeks or so. And they have upcoming features suggested by users. (Discord Dream Land: Hot (2275 ideas) – Customer Feedback for Discord)

    And not to mention discord is easier for server owners as it is a free hosting site and for people with twitch streams, there is discord twitch integration built into the application. I don't have problems with the transition from teamspeak to discord and to and fro. But the problem i face currently is to get my arrogant friends to get through and get onto Discord/TS from skype. Discord seems like an application that is designed for Gamers and looks More Professional.

    This is just my two cents and I am not here to go against anyone or argue
  2. Monkey_Banana1

    Monkey_Banana1 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    6:08 AM
    I mean in my opinion, I think we should have both. I mean discord would be a great implement to players to talk to staff I dont see much point deleting teamspeak there are many people on it everyday. I mean the voice on discord isnt that stable from what I have used / seen. I am fully for discord and teamspeak. I think it would be best for players to keep both. :3
  3. Immykins

    Immykins Professional Torbjörn

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    4:08 AM
    I do like a balance between both apps. I do agree with Slind in saying that discord is for small communities, But at the same time. If its a Giant server. Its great. Take a look at the /r/leagueoflegends or the /r/discordapp server. They have around 2500 people on at a time and they usually just chat. Discord is more of like a chat group that you can just join. But for game servers with alot of roles, ranks and privileges. Teamspeak is better IMO for it.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    8:08 PM
    Update regarding mobile App:
    Since I used the mobile app now for some time, I'm close to saying good bye and not looking back for a long time. The mobile App really disappointed me.
    • Messages appear multiple times
    • Messages you wrote are being reported as not delivered. When you retry it posts the message multiple times
    • Push notifications are sent after you read the content already
    • Push notifications spam, it often happens that I get 20 push notifications just from discord.
    • Clicking on a push notification doesn't bring me to the channel/message, it only opens diacord
    • Channel data is loaded one by one, so with a bad connection you wait 2 Minutes for every channel instead of once for all like with slack
    • The order of messages can get mixed up when they can't be delivered right away.
    • . . . Just a mess, makes chatting and work a pain
    HelloKittyPhone and Kazeodori like this.
  5. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

    Likes Received:
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    2:08 PM
    Meh I just use curse, has an ok Pm service and helps you manage a few of your game identitys together for some more popular games ;)
    Plus a modded MC launcher so that helps.

    Also I haven't tryed discord and I've only ever used teamspeak for a few minutes then deleted it so I'm not really qualifyed to talk am I?
  6. B00M5H07

    B00M5H07 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    7:08 PM
    Tried both, in my opinion I prefer TeamSpeak but for one reason above all others.
    That reason is disconnection.
    Once I leave a ts3 server, that's it. Discord allows you to add all networks for gaming you can add to your list. Discord's redeeming factor is only that my email isn't visible, so none of the younglin's can facebook stalk me and observe profanity and partying.
    Part of my issue with apps like it are also that they are mobile and thus, attention stealing.
    I literally always have my phone wherever I go and it's only real function to me is to take calls (yes i'm old fashioned) but it's a lot harder to escape people you're trying to avoid with apps like Facebook Messenger, as an example.

    Obviously, use whatever you feel comfortable with anyway.
  7. After using discord desktop app I would like to change my vote. While teamspeak is good for servers as it provides easy monitoring, discord is good for personal use and needs significantly less resources to run.
    johnfg10 likes this.

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