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The Dark Trilogy and Direwolf20 | Performance

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Slind, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    6:41 AM
    Sadly, while there are many things I like about this idea, one thing comes to mind that the players LP network is saved in the world data and notin the player data. Do we have a way to sync this data?

    Also the mod "qcraft" comes to mind in being able to jump servers.

    I'll have more thoughts after I think for a bit.
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:41 PM
    not present in the pack and didn't work in 1.6. It either dupes the inventory, deletes it or doesn't load it at all which results in a rollback.

    mhh, would need to do some testing.
    are there any other mods with progress on the player, not on items?
  3. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    6:41 AM
    Off the top of my head, the only mods that come to mind where we miffed have an issue with this setup would thaumcraft and bloodmagic. And I have no idea how thaumcraft stores your progression.
  4. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    4:41 AM
    Oh, a new question I've thought of: Will backpacks and the like carry over?[DOUBLEPOST=1419567282,1419566932][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I think Thaumcraft's progression is stored with the player data, but Mariculture's seems to be saved into the .../world/data/ folder.
  5. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    The topic was created to share the idea, collect feedback, see if players think they would benefit from this solution or suffer or better ideas arise.
    We would need to test the backpacks, too. If they are saved on worldsave and not player data save, it would be a duping/loss issue.
  6. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    The Mirror doesn't really have space to duplicate items, so that should be safely able to transfer between servers (It's got four slots: One is a temporary enchantment slot, the other three are for specific forms of jewelery, which don't stack). Backpacks, I believe, save to the world based on the order they were made in, so yeah, duplication/false transfer like crazy. Not sure about other methods of carrying items, though.
  7. Ony_x

    Ony_x Well-Known Member

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    Slind, any idea why mobs do that? Lower tps so much? I can't understand that -.-

    And for me, I'll just move in to a farmworld. Can;t imagine playing with no monsters.
  8. Stuartdavidevett

    Stuartdavidevett Afro guy

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    11:41 AM
    What about paring the code that limits mob spawning and amount of mobs in a chunk with a code that despawns mobs when players aren't around, maybe like a square around a player that allows mobs to stay spawned, but once the player moves away within 10-20 seconds the mob despawns
  9. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    Apparently it has to do with the code in 1.7, with them all pathfinding and calculating where to move crossing paths with one another. Maybe if they just used the old code from 1.6, it would all work out... Despite having hundreds of entities on the Agrarian Skies servers, the TPS doesn't seem to drop as a result of it. Mind you, there are times when it does drop, but I've seen plenty of large mob moshes without TPS taking a dip.

    If I'm understanding things right, it sounds like "Monster World" is going to be a completely separate world from Farm and Build, and Farm was simply mentioned as a reference... But maybe I'm wrong. I'll probably head to the world with the mobs in it and build up there, since I'm rather fond of defending myself and hunting down mobs. 'Course, if the peaceful table's enabled, I might just hang around the Build world for some time.
  10. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    Or the AE quantum rings, they would finally have a practical use beside playing around :D
  11. hansi132

    hansi132 Well-Known Member

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    I would vote yes to what slind offered. It is a good way to fix the problem with tps.

    Yeah there will be backsides about having to go over to another world to farm the lp or anything like that. But i am fairly sure i got an soulution for all the problems.

    Blood Magic

    Problem: I can't have my lp transfered over the server.

    Soulution: Blood Magic's LP is acually a liquid. You can pump all the liquid/LP out of the table over to an drum. Then you just take the drum with you to the build server and use the lp over there to fill you blood orb or what you want to do with the lp.

    Mob drops

    Problem: I can't get a hold of the mobdrops i need. (Ender IO heads, wither skelly heads)

    Soulution: Make the mobfarm over in the mob world and hook it into a basic me system. Just a few 4k disks will be enough because you will go over and get them every so often. Wither skeleton heads would also work in a mob farm. Just use a cleaver with almost 100% beheading. On the modsauce server i managed to get over a stack with netherstars in just 2 or 3 days. I dont see why you want more than 10-20 netherstars.


    Problem: I cant progress since i need special types of mobs etc.

    Soulution: Make the research in the farm world. Make an copy of the research and put in a chest. Do this with all the research you want on the other server and just use them there and you will have all the research you need.

    Also slind said it would be possible with chunk loaders loading while offline. This is something really great. Say your farm gets 2 enderperls every minute. 60 min in an hour and 24 hourse in a day. That means you will get 2880 enderperls per day. I cant see anything bad with that.
    Matryoshika likes this.
  12. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    I think you can get all the aspect throught the combination i think because thats the way i do it everytime

    Edit: i know is a waste of aspect to get others but after you get then all you can go crazy scanning stuff without worrying that it will say "you don't have the knowledge"
  13. privilegue

    privilegue Well-Known Member

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    They have a very practical use in my base caith :)
  14. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    @SirWilli did spend a lot of hours yesterday testing all sorts. He compared:
    • 1.6 forge vs 1.7 forge => around 5-8 us per sheep
    • 1.6 cauldron vs 1.7 cauldron => around 6-8 us per sheep
    • TDT with only UI mods (walia, nei..) => 7-9 us per sheep
    • TDT with only technik mods => 20-35 us per sheep
    • TDT with all mods => 60-90 us per sheep
    While he did also test a lot of mods on their own he wasn't able to point at one specific mod.
    (the us are higher here as it has been tested on a local machine with a cpu that only has around a 1/3 of the singlethread performance as the servers)
    Without mods:
    With all mods:
  15. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    We did already limit it quite a lot, testing it with lower values nearly looked like they were completely disabled. Mobs far away from the player are ticked at a lower rate (spigots doing) which means that they or only performing every x ticks their path-finding.. Mobs which are out of the players chunk area shouldn't even be doing anything unless mods do change the system here, which I don't know.
    Unfortunately the issue is the update time per mob and not the amount of them :(

    Seeing these opinions I guess the second way with disabling the natural spawn and selling the eggs/making them craft-able is even liked less.

    Maybe it would be worth a thought to think about 3 servers.
    1. build only -> no mobs, no farmworlds
    2. farm server -> mobs and farmworlds
    3. casual server -> normal setup with limited spawn rates (like we have already)
  16. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    If this is the Idea, can the current server stay as the Casual server. Since a lot of people started there.
    Then the "new" servers have the features above.

    Also has anyone post this bug on the TDT thread? of any FTB bug report?
    Sometimes the community there can help
  17. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    Just a poke in the dark : Hats mod ? Only one i can think of that permanently effects all mobs ...
    Lawmonark likes this.
  18. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    answered below
  19. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    we had completely disable on dw20 for 24 hours, not a single notable impact. It also doesn't seem to be related to a specific mod as only the required mods to be able to connect did already triple the update time, when adding one mod after another to it, it went up but it wasn't possible to say it is this mod or similar as the overall fluctuating is too high (it varys with the same amount, same world, same mods at rates of around 20-60%).
  20. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    12:41 PM
    mhmm.... have you tested differant forge versions. I think DW20 1.0.2 and TDT 1.0.2/3 started to use the same forge version.
    Could it be a bug with forge itself

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