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The Dark Trilogy and Direwolf20 | Performance

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Slind, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:50 PM
    latest java 7
  2. GeorgeBoy14

    GeorgeBoy14 Well-Known Member

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    1:50 PM
    Have you tried to update the direwolf20 pack to the latest version(1.0.3)?
  3. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    4:50 AM
    The attack wasn't because that was a long time, but because that's a short time. I spend at least 30 minutes at a mob farm a day, man. At least.
    Ink sacs are important, man. Most of the mob drops are. As a temporary workaround to Slind's temporary fixes, we should get them on the market or something. Even an enabled Peaceful Table will do the trick.
    chugga_fan likes this.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    we have the same issue on the dark trilogy where the mods are even more up to date than in the new direwolf version :(.
  5. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    With botania, there is an easy workaround. Black floral dye is OreDict'd as ink sacs, and if you cannot get black flowers anymore, use the jaded amaranthus. A regular daybloom or two should be enough for this flower, and it will randomly spawn Botania flowers. Make petals, and use a mortal & pestle for the dye.
    Removing squids will not break the game, or make it neccessary to add it to the market.
  6. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    While I don't like the idea of separating the worlds over different servers, or even making the over world mob free, I believe that @Slind14 & @SirWilli and others have tested as much as they can within reasonable expectations. And while I realize that this solution is not the best option (fixing it is the best option), it is the best option we have at the moment. As it was stated earlier, we could continue to talk about this for a month and still not have a better solution.

    I vote go for the split servers, and we will work around anything that comes up. We have amazing staff and an even more amazing player base. We can and will work throu whatever we need to to make this work. And as a benefit, what we learn from this will enable us to make other things batter in the future.

    So I vote to go ahead and split the servers, and we will make it work!
    LucidTheStick and Slind like this.
  7. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    I was talking to a few guys on teamspeak. I told them about that and they were saying they arent active on the forums. So i tried to explain them for their information what is going on with the tps and why its down. And what solutions came up with.

    And they like the idea of having another world with entities and the normal world has good tps. A different server where you have to logout and login again is a bit more difficult, but it seems to be still a good solution. I agree with Booker. I have thought about it a day talking to a few people about it and came up with my opinion, that this seems to be the best solution. Having different Server and still being able to transfer your inventory, your progress in bloodmagic and thaumcraft and co is awesome.

    The clearlagg is solving the tps but its having issues with the mods. So the best method is really more to focus on the different Servers with different purposes. Also a vote to go ahead and do the best you can do. Your suggestion is great.

    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  8. GeorgeBoy14

    GeorgeBoy14 Well-Known Member

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    1:50 PM
    Go ahead and split the servers . +1
  9. Cragmire

    Cragmire The Legendary Laugh

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    Please at least read through the first three bullet points. I know it's a wall of text, but I'm an in depth writer, and I think my ideas are worth a read, but if not, I truly think my first three points are very important. Also, I apologize for any grammar mistakes, as it is 3:15 AM local currently and it's difficult to say I caught everything when proofreading.

    I can see three core issues with cutting mob spawns all together:
    1. Players lose easy access to all the basic crafting materials (leather, pearls, wool, etc.) dropped by mobs needed both early and late game
    2. Players miss out on the combat portion of many mods and the nostalgia(?) of having mobs around
    3. Players have difficulty obtaining specific drops from bosses that have specific prerequisites for fighting since said prerequisites won't transfer between worlds in a farm-build dual server setup
    I think if we are to come to a conclusion for this thread, we need to address all three of these issues. Here are my thoughts on each:

    1. Here's my spitball ideas:​

    My first idea is we make a daily allowance of theses basic drops (leather, wool, string, bone, ender pearls, spider eye, etc.) and this allowance grows with your playtime on the server in an effort to scale. This would a difficult task to balance, but that's part of running a server. I'm used to mechanic re-balances, and anyone who has played on a multiplayer server before should be as well. I think we could start small with the numbers and go from there, taking feedback in a forum like we are here. Some might say that free stuff is dumb, but if you're open minded enough to stay on a server without mobs, you can handle free materials.

    My second idea is another market, one with all of the same mob drops mentioned above, but instead of MyMs as currency, we use a naturally occurring or other producible resource. Ideas would be coal, redstone, lapis, metals, etc. The inspiration for this of course is the Philosopher's Stone. I think balancing this wouldn't be as hard as my previous example, and it would scale with player advancement really well. My reasoning is that someone could say, "well the players who have super OP stuff like the bedrock age, or powerful quarries could get a ton of stuff at the exchange [editor note: should this be implemented, we should totally call it "The Exchange"]," to which I respond with, "THEY DESERVE IT! If they got to the point of bedrock, or OP mining setups, then they have bigger fish to fry than trying to squander up a few ink sacs, duh!:p"

    2. Here are my thoughts:
    This problem is strictly a personal preference and you simply can't please an entire crowd. I for one am all for the idea of this perfermance optimization because I come to build, and as long as I get my materials to build with, I'll be happy. I think this whole idea would be a ballsy move, Slind, and you might lose some builders, but you know what, with the boosted performance, you may just gain some new people as well (definitely me!). My advice to those hung up on this issue is this: If it's adventure and fighting and mystical creatures you're after, there are much better mod packs and servers for you, no offence MyM; however, if you want to build cool things, and get a taste of a bunch of different mods, then DW20 is the way to go, and the physical absence of animals will affect very little of the modpack as long as the affected materials are still obtainable. Yes serveral of the magic mods suffer, especially late game, but I'll offer my ideas for this in the last point.

    3. Here some more spitball ideas:
    My first, and slightly boring, approach is to do exactly like my second idea for the first issue, only more advanced exchange materials.

    My second idea, and I don't even know how much of it would be possible, is to have the farm server have an area for each mod boss. I have no idea how the spawning would be handled, but it would fun to be able to battle the boss personally for the desired material. It should be noted that I only have a vague idea of the mobs that I'm referencing and therefore have no idea how difficult their spawn conditions are to reproduce. Of, course the mob may be able to be autospawned somehow.

    Anyway, that's what I have to say and I hope my ideas at least spawn better ones.
  10. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    Hello Zachster44. Dont understand me wrong with what i am saying okay? I read your post and value your opinion:
    But, have you read that there wont be like no animals? There is nothing about no animals never ever never. What will happen is just another like "Animal-Server" where you can go and build farms or whatever you want. There you can go and hunt for your animals, fight your bosses. I might have missunderstood you. If you have any more questions or if i missunderstood you, go ahead.
  11. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    Also giving out a certain quantity per day has the same problem as market balancing :

    Noob on day 1 : Yay, 10 enderpearls
    Player on day 30 : Umh 10 enderpearls, need 990 more ...
    SilentStar likes this.
  12. Cragmire

    Cragmire The Legendary Laugh

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    6:50 AM
    Allow me to clearify. It is my understanding that we are considering stopping all mob spawn capability on the current server and moving all capability to a "farm" server. It is also my understanding that a lot of people don't like the idea of not having access to mobs/mob drops on the server they're intended to build and play on. That's the issue I'm trying to address; what to do if we cease all mob spawns and move them to another server.

    Does that help?[DOUBLEPOST=1419673710,1419673520][/DOUBLEPOST]
    You missed the point of balancing and forum feedback.... You won't be getting 10 pearls on day one and the aim would be to change how many you get per day so that when you need 1000 pearls for something, you'll be getting something closer to 250~ a day. In fact, maybe both of my ideas could work in tandem; or rely on the exchange but offer mob drops with server voting--oooo, I like that idea...
  13. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    Hm... If you can transport items between Servers and if you are able to join the "farm" Server and leave it then with bags full of mobdrops would that satisfy you? Because thats exactly what the idea is about. Having another Server more for the mobdrops you can jump on, build stuff and go back to your "build" Server having nice tps and you can enjoy your base.
  14. Cragmire

    Cragmire The Legendary Laugh

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    In a perfect world, yes, I would be satisfied. The problem is that, from what I hear, transferring items automatically is out of the reach of a newer player, and I would have one problem with the "goody bag toting" approach. Say we do make a server solely for farming mobs, whose to say it won't suffer from the terrible tps and lag we're trying to avoid? I want to spend as little time on a server like that as possible (if at all), and I certainly don't see myself wanting to drudge through missed clicks and reappearing blocks just to build a farm. My ideas are from the viewpoint of someone who more than anything wants a stress free building environment. That's why I would prefer an artificial method of acquiring drops so as to avoid the laggy, mob filled server environment.[DOUBLEPOST=1419675314,1419675212][/DOUBLEPOST]On a side note, I appreciate your constructive argumentation :)[DOUBLEPOST=1419676131][/DOUBLEPOST]Upon further reflection, I suppose it wouldn't be that bad. I certainly would despise the process of setting up the farm, but taking, like, 90 seconds to swap some AE drives and leave doesn't sound too unbearable...

    I guess my final word is that I'm willing to contribute new ideas, but the ultimately I'm in board for the original proposition of dual-servers.

    +1 vote
  15. masterml5

    masterml5 Well-Known Member

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    I really like this idea that you wrote Slind14:
    1. build only -> no mobs, no farmworlds
    2. farm server -> mobs and farmworlds
    3. casual server -> normal setup with limited spawn rates (like we have already)
    I'm fine with having it as that, though I would probably then live in the casual server :)
    SirStudMuffin likes this.
  16. Ony_x

    Ony_x Well-Known Member

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    We all would live there, I recon.
  17. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    If everybody just wants to live in the casual Server is then there a need for a farm server? is then there a need for a build only server?
  18. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    11:50 AM
    If its some kind of issue for new players why not set up kits to get the resources from that specific animal like /kit sheep for a stack of wool or /kit squid for a stack of ink
  19. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    It might be tough, but wool and string can be gotten from cotton, and ink can be substituted by black floral dye from botania. Botania can also give you leather, provided you have a peaceful table getting rotten flesh.

    All vanilla hostile mob drops can be gotten from peaceful tables, and there is already workarounds for almost all the passive mobdrops. Kits are not needed in my opinion.
    Only problem is that the peaceful table requires an ender pearl, thus blocking new players from getting a peaceful table without the help from other players, though that can be fixed if the recipe is changed.
  20. CommonExplosion

    CommonExplosion Well-Known Member

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    I like the idea behind splitting the servers. Good TPS > everything

    The only downside that I think I would (theoretically) notice is that we can't send items via tesseract/ender chest/...
    But , coming from monster, I noticed that this isn't that big of a problem in reality. Even a simple ae system can solve this (bringing the drives home). Some people might say that this is a drawback but lets see the numbers:

    1 64k drive can hold 8128 stacks of a single item (source: ME 64k Storage - Feed The Beast Wiki Let say it is filled with gunpowder. This means by bringing back one drive, you now have 520192 gunpowder. In my opinion this is enough for even the most endgame player.

    What I'm trying to tell here is that mobdrops aren't used up so quickly that they need to be automatically transported to the base "just to keep up with the demand". One trip to that world would probably be enough after you've set up automation.

    For new players, without any means of making a ME system, barrels are a good alternative: even 64 stacks of a mobdrop is a big amount to have anyway.

    As for the time it takes for making that amount of items: With a chunk loader it's solved.


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