A: the theroreticlal shortest possible length or something like that... Q: why can't I think of a good question?
A: that depends on who you ask, personally for the proposes of the king of the hill thread, outside that universe, is a bunch of other alternate universes, many of which are part of the infinite empire. Q: why did I bring that up? -edit new A: Spiderman
A: Depends of your definition of "world". If you define "world" as "USA", then the answer is "very". If you define "world" as "Earth", then the answer is "quite a bit". If you define "world" as "our universe", then the answer is "not at all". If you define "world" as "a planet", then you made a grammar error. If you define "world" as "my town"... then I seriously don't know. Q: Why is the main color of this site white?
A: that depends on whose posts you are looking at, needless to say my posts are always logical (ignoring the occasional forgetting of a detail such as the hill being a crater) Q: what happened to the corrupt a wish thread?
A: 01010011 01100001 01101101 01110000 01101100 01100101 00100000 01110100 01100101 01111000 01110100 Q: 01101000 01101111 01110111 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100101 01111000 01101001 01110011 01110100 00111111