Votes: The_Icy_One: EndorianHD, YourMCGeek EndorianHD: The_Icy_One 7 votes to lynch[DOUBLEPOST=1475009289,1475006768][/DOUBLEPOST]Ok, so since this is very slow going and since most or all of you are new to this game I decided to give you some ideas: First of all, forgot that stupid idea to not lynch someone. The mafia will not hesitate to kill someone during the night. Not lynching anyone is the best chance to let them win. Lynching is your best option to get rid of mafia. Also, not voting only encourages a mafia member to steer the lynch to their favor by making last minute votes before the deadline. So the idea that nobody gets lynched is naive. A last tip: You don't want inactive people in this thread. Avoid people flying under the radar. Force them out of hiding. I know the first day is a little bit like a shot in the dark. But that gives you also material for day 2. Depending on the outcome of your lynch, you can start to analyze posts, voting behaviour and all sorts of things from people.
I know the first day is a little bit like a shot in the dark. But that gives you also material for day 2. Depending on the outcome of your lynch, you can start to analyze posts, voting behaviour and all sorts of things from people.[/QUOTE] So by me voting for nobody that means im a good guy... or a badguy tring to be a good guy... Hmmm
Now that we've got some form of discussion going, I'm going to go ahead and rescind my vote. I've just made myself a little list of the major events of the day, and may as well dump it on the rest of you to update if I don't. Voters: YourMCGeek, EndorianHD - Me :O The_Icy_One - EndorianHD - Rescinded Posted, no vote: tyler489, Currently Inactive: Muffinman Timleg002 Coolgi3000 HeroIsBoss354 Lamar43 SanndyTheManndy SirZaz Profrags
Votes: The_Icy_One: EndorianHD, YourMCGeek 7 votes to lynch Just to clarify the no tagging rule: You can tag players of this game as much as you want, you can even tag them in your vote. Just don't tag any role names that you happen to know or assume, if the rolename is someone not in the game, because that is annoying to those people if they get tagged all the time.
Just going to leave this here, I took this screenshot directly after posting my little list but couldn't add due to the doublepost feature. Note the presence of a certain player who seems to be sneaking quite a bit.
Hmm I would vote chugga but hese not here So I guess I'll vote @SirZAZ Because sans is secretly deadly
Votes: The_Icy_One: EndorianHD, YourMCGeek YourMcGeek: Profrags, Lamar43, HeroIsBoss354 SirZaz: Coolgi3000 7 votes to lynch
Please keep writing your votes in bold letters, so that I can see them better. I will count those two as votes for now. Votes: The_Icy_One (2): EndorianHD, YourMCGeek YourMcGeek (4): Profrags, Lamar43, HeroIsBoss354, SirStudMuffin SirZaz (1): Coolgi3000 HeroIsBoss354 (1): SanndyTheManndy 7 Votes to lynch