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The future of MyM is vague

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Nov 1, 2017.

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  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    This was a regular argument being made in the past. It ends, once the punishment for not complying is the blacklist and not a lawsuit. My understanding is that they do not need any grounds for the blacklist. Furthermore it is questionable if this matters in the business area (could be part of consumer protection). Then there is the "I agree to the eula" you need to set in order to start a original minecraft server (which forge is based on).
  2. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    After reading the private message, yea, most of these servers aren't complaint. I'm shocked we were striked down and they weren't.
  3. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    I can actually Not believe my eyes right now. They actually have a system for reporting servers that violate the Eula??? I was So confident that Mojang wouldn't feature something so stupid. There are so many things wrong with a feature like that.. I'm actually baffled. Thanks for showing me/us that, I never thought in a million years that they would implement something like that.. :/ there goes the last grain of respect I had for those guys..

    @GMEBEBANDZ Apologies, it looks like I was completely wrong about the existance of a eula reporting system like that, lol. That being said though, I still don't believe that Mojang contacted mym just because we had a large collection of reports for two reasons. First of all, there are a fair number of vanilla servers with 1k+ player averages, and they should have been reported and contacted Way before us, just statistically speaking. Second, there are also a number of servers with much more apparent p2w violations than ours, and moreover, their donation perks are actually very unfair, whereas ours aren't too bad at all. Mym is still a very quiet community in my opinion, and I don't think people would be inclined to report us to the mojangsters any time soon. The chances are still most likely that Mojang didn't contact mym due to an accumulation of reports, unless I'm mistaken
  4. __Takumi__

    __Takumi__ Trans-dimensional cardboard box

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    11:11 PM
    So what we need to do is either make the donator perks available to everyone or allow everyone the ability to achieve the donator perks. Perhaps a further fleshed out system for convertible premium currency to buy access to certain command or ranks through the use of conversion of vote tokens to credits perhaps? And at the same time people can still buy the credits to help them gain the ranks faster.
  5. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    While true, there are many larger vanilla servers then MYM, to my knowledge MYM is one of the larger modded networks out there. I am not sure mojangs reasons for targeting who they do, but it isn’t beond reason that Mojang may want to ensure that the big servers follow the EULA so that the smaller ones will too. In that case we very well might be one of those big servers to target. But if that is the case, it would be hard for us to just slip under the radar and get away with loopholes.
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
  6. __Takumi__

    __Takumi__ Trans-dimensional cardboard box

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    With convertible currency out the window the only possible way for the server to continue running is with voluntary donations without receiving anything aside from being able to play on the server.
  7. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    It is kinda clear why they started enforcing it last year: Minecraft Marketplace | Minecraft
    Just look, you can have dinos and cars in vanilla now. You just need to pay for it.
    This is the only thing i think windows 10 version has going for it... see video below

    that is an official mojang video. Shame none of the Java version players will ever see it. Or if you dont pay the $10 for it.
    Slipplaysmc and Decnav like this.
  8. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Heat Cash Death of the Universe Minecraft, visible light spectrum'd (10^100 2018)

    Seriously tho:
    Pretty sure anything that does have a way of obtaining in the modpack can be sold, as the player nas a way of getting the thing without paying (and EULA allows you to sell stuff if you can get it by playing in some way). For example, if Avaritia is in the pack and the Infinity Armor can be crafted, a way to get godmode exists, and therefore selling /god should be ok. And when it comes to kits, they can be easily replaced by automation (except for "/kit food" giving hydra chop, which is so far the only thing on the entire network that is not cosmetic and cannot be in any way shape or form other than trading or gifts obtained by non-paying non-competition-winning players).
  9. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    hmm, where is this coming from? This seems to be a common understanding, I don't fully understand why.
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
  10. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    If that was the case, wouldn't vanilla servers be able to give donors infinite sets of enchanted diamond armor and op apples? As Slind said, I don't know where people got the idea that you can give donors stuff as long as it's possible to obtain. If you could do that, it would contradict the whole point of the eula in the first place
  11. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    But here's the thing, as it was stated before: WHAT ADVANTAGE IS THERE? It aint like it's a pvp server, and as I previously stated, whenever there are pvp enabled servers, all those op perks and what-not are disabled. thus, no advantage other than the fact that they can say, "Oh, look at meee! I got to age 4 and you're still at age 1! oh my, I'm so awesommeeeee!" like seriously. what "advantage over other players" do we have here, exactly?
  12. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Things like /workbench are explicitly listed as not allowed ;) :(
  13. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    we legit have portable crafting tables such as crafting table on a stick... 6 wood planks, m8. we don't even need /workbench in a modded situation xD
    [doublepost=1509668545][/doublepost]Just realized I came off as a bit rude. but still, we don't need /workbench.
    [doublepost=1509668640][/doublepost]Also, if Mojang is listing /workbench as an "advantage over others", they have some mental issues that not even Dr. Phil can fix.
  14. Xx_Canadian_xX

    Xx_Canadian_xX Well-Known Member

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    I just think the people that put together this wonderful EULA were quite simply idiots that likely didn't even play the game, I think they don't understand that there is no endgame in Minecraft and it's just a continuous adventure, only time there is an end is when someone decides to stop playing.

    Whatever the reason is behind EULA we can only speculate, while they publicly say one thing, it's likely something else, but it always comes down to money at the end of the day. MYM will just have to find it's way around it, should it be the gray area that Hypixel uses or other methods.

    I believe MYM is a rather intelligent community, and will strive to find a solution to this problem rather than close it's doors.
  15. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    As I said earlier:
    Here is the definitiom of "advantage": a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position. Is having /craft a favorable position? Yes. End of conversation
    Yes, the people who made the Eula, also known as the inventors of minecraft definitely know nothing about the game they made. I don't agree with the Eula at all and I think it was a stupid idea, however, it is very obvious that their objective with the Eula was to stop p2w, something that I and many others are generally against. Let me reitterate though, I do not condone the Eula at all, I just partially understand their position.
  16. Xx_Canadian_xX

    Xx_Canadian_xX Well-Known Member

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    The fact you think the Notch himself made up the EULA in this game is funny, makes me question the validity of your statements you make half the time. You seem more like a troll than someone with an actual factual comment, or more of a very good instigator. No offence to people that are 17 year's old but it's very unlikely you understand their position on EULA when you have likely not even left high school yet. Your comments are baseless and just rhetoric spamming the forums looking for approval from your peers.
  17. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    Overwatch had a problem selling loot boxes in some country because it was considered "Selling gambling tools" or something along those lines.
    To get around this they now sell their in game currency "gold Coins" and give loot boxes for "Free" with each purchase.
    Since we can sell cosmetics but not soft currency, couldn't we sell a "Random cosmetic block" loot chest that comes with "Free" credits?
    SirWill likes this.
  18. Xx_Canadian_xX

    Xx_Canadian_xX Well-Known Member

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    EULA clearly states they cannot sell soft currency in anyway in your server shop but...

    While they can have currency in game, it's got to be obtainable by all players without paying making it a fair advantage for everyone to obtain this currency without paying for it, the solution to that is simply selling boosters which other well known servers do.

    In a previous post I suggested that boosters can last for a period of time, in the period of time while on the server actively it will give you coins at an accelerated rate, while other non-paying members also get coins but at a regular rate which would obviously be very slow. These coins in return can be used to purchase kits/perks within the server, which also is similar to how other known servers do and stay within the gray area of EULA.
  19. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Ok, you can copy paste the definition of the word off Google. congratulations. but /workbench isn't an advantage when you can get a table within the first minute of the game... you are basically given it.

    Also, I hope you know that Mojang/Microsoft have legal teams. people who are paid to do things involving legalities, which would likely include the EULA, Terms of Service, etc. because that is usually their job description.
  20. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    When did I say Notch himself made up the Eula? I said the people who made this game made the Eula. Mojang and Notch created minecraft. It's not exactly intelligent to say that the 'people who made the Eula know nothing about minecraft', something which you should agree with. I am 17, and I'm a college student as it clearly says on my profile page, the same place you found my age from. This is the second time you've brought "age" into the question, even though 17 is older than the average age of a Minecraft player, the average age of an mym player, meaning that most of the people that agree with you are likely younger than me, but despite that, you seem to have no problem agreeing with them. The ideology that "you must be over 17" to understand the Eula is unbelievably ignorant, and I have no idea where you got that idea from. I also don't know where you came up with the "baseless" idea that I'm just spamming the forums looking for approval. That makes no sense, and if you took maybe 5 seconds to look at my post history, you'd know I don't even have any "peers" on this thread to begin with. My comments have been anything but spam, and the fact that you think I'm spamming just shows that you have a very poor understanding of what "spam" is.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2017
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