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The future of MyM is vague

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Nov 1, 2017.

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  1. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    10:49 AM
    not technically, as any current donors by law get to keep what they paid for. However, any new donors would get whatever perks come with their rank post-change
    [doublepost=1509686395][/doublepost]Which actually leads me to a question... would I still keep my current perks if I upgraded to, say, tier 3 post-modifications? would I get a modified version of tier 3? also, seriously, their EULA needs some cleaning up. because basically anything that any server has to offer could be considered "Advantageous"...
  2. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    If you want to get into the nitty gritty... Being able to put grass on your head could help with camo and be considered advantageous.
    That's why Mojang let's some things slide and others not. As stated in op 90% of the perks break the Eula which is to much. Compared to the 5% or maybe 20% other servers break.
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
  3. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    12:49 PM
    Ok, Back again. Let's clear some things up real quick. So from Mojang's mouth...
    • You are allowed to sell in-game items so long as they don’t affect gameplay.
      • Affect gameplay. Nothing about an advantage.
    • You cannot charge real-world cash for in-game currency.
      • Soft currencies that are earned in-game are fine, but you cannot sell in-game currency for hard currency.
      • Hybrid/dual currency systems are not allowed.
    • No servers exempt to the EULA
    • We cannot charge access to a specific part of the server, such as a minigame or mining world.
    • The EULA still applies for access to user-created mods.
    • We cannot sell “kits” for hard currency even if we provide a balanced alternative for non-paying users.
    • Boosters, which provide faster gold gain, XP, or other in-game resources for hard currency break the EULA.
    • We can charge for access to server commands, but only if they are cosmetic. So no Fly, god, heal or workbench.

    It is not "Advantage", it is "Does it affect gameplay?" And the answer is yes it really does. A good way to look at it is as:

    You purchase "Item X" or "Ability Z", while I do not. We then both log onto the server at the same time, for the first time. Is your experience at that specific point going to be different than mine? If yes, then it breaks the EULA plane and simple. Sorry to burst some bubbles.

    A small list of things we can not do:
    • The ability to:
      • use a portable crafting table, chest, ender chest, compass, etc.
      • set the time of day or weather, for yourself or others, other than in places where the intended server's gameplay does not occur, such as the lobby of a minigame server.
      • clear your inventory.
      • respawn.
      • create teleportation points, no matter who can use them.
      • teleport to a saved location (commonly, the /home command).
      • teleport to your last location (commonly, the /back command).
      • see other players’ inventory, other than in creative mode.
      • see a list of players that are nearby, other than in creative mode.
      • see the crafting recipe for an item, or the ability to craft an item automatically.
      • remove the enchantment from an item.
      • automatically sell blocks that you mine.
      • automatically compress resources to their block form.
      • fly in places where the intended server's gameplay occurs.
      • edit several blocks at the same time, regardless of where on the server you can do it.
      • keep your inventory or specific items when you die.
    • A non-cosmetic item or perk:
      • that is dropped in an area accessible by everyone, whether other players are notified of the drop or not.
      • as a prize after fighting a boss in an area accessible by everyone, whether other players are notified of the event or not.
    • Bedrock blocks or other non-cosmetic items.
    • Schematics, regardless of the game mode.
    • Higher bandwidth, or other improved connections to the server.
    • Access to contests based on stats (i.e. most blocks mined etc.), if the prize is not cosmetic.
    • Decreased cooldown for non-cosmetic commands.
    • Items or perks that affect gameplay or give the player an unfair advantage, even if they are also available through soft currency purchase, or just by playing the game for a certain time.
    The42ndDruid and Slipplaysmc like this.
  4. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    10:49 AM
    well then. Mojang basically gave the big fat middle finger to anyone who does modded MC servers. great...
    Rohen likes this.
  5. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    10:49 AM
    I'm on the same page with you for just about all of that, but I'm pretty sure servers can sell soft-currency (sometimes indirectly through chests or boosts through ranks) given that it can only be used to purchase cosmetics in game. Also, while donations to access specific worlds within a server would not be okay, donating to host your own private server within a network is (to my knowledge) acceptable, given that said private server does not affect anything on any of the other public servers. Perhaps that's what you meant though, I'm not sure. Regardless, everything else is completely true according to the specific Eula rules. In actual enforcement, however, Mojang may be lenient with some of the commands like /craft or abilities to compress blocks, but that's something we can't really predict, and even if they permitted such minor things, it does nothing to solve the current dilemma.

    @mrminesheeps You're right in saying that the Eula is a giant middle finger to modded servers, but don't be mistaken: It's still a big middle finger to any servers trying to survive in general. The Eula has effectively destroyed a large number of servers and their respective communities, and unfortunately, the most we can do to combat the Eula is adapt. There's not a whole lot to debate about in terms of what the Eula does or does not mean, and the only group that gets to use their own interpretation of the Eula is Mojang.

    I think now would be a good time for everyone to relax a bit in regards to any debates being held about the Eula, granted that I was in a fair number of them myself. We're all on the same side, and we've racked up 8 pages discussing it, so perhaps we should start to focus on suggestions now and what can be done. If any of you have any ideas or suggestions, please do submit them.

    Despite the seriousness of this whole situation, I'm still hopeful that mym can pull through. We have such a strong, striving community, and whether it's through donation alterations or being blacklisted, we can make it through this.
  6. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    12:49 PM
    • You cannot charge real-world cash for in-game currency.
      • Soft currencies that are earned in-game are fine, but you cannot sell in-game currency for hard currency.
      • Hybrid/dual currency systems are not allowed.

    This is allowed, as long as there is no connection between that server you are paying for and any other server.
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
  7. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    10:49 AM
    They seriously should not be using the same EULA for vanilla servers as they do modded servers... lets be real, they are completely different entities in how they operate. Modded servers should be exempt from certain terms. seems fair. anyhow, I have no real suggestions atm...
    [doublepost=1509701560,1509697459][/doublepost]To build off my previous comment, Vanilla servers have it easy, especially ones like Hy***el who run their minigames and whatnot, because they can do all the cosmetics they want. Servers like ours, for example, don't have alot of "cosmetic" stuff to offer. Again, we're a MODDED network for crying out loud. nobody is gonna chill at our lobby and use some load of cosmetics. So again, we should complain to Mojang about just how silly and outright stupid their EULA really is, because Modded servers and Vanilla servers are on two completely different pages. and as someone on this thread stated, they probably never even played the game, let alone experience modded.
  8. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    7:49 PM
    The EULA was made to stop servers from selling overpowered and overpriced ranks to children who have no idea about the value of money and will spend hundreds of sollars on random stuff without thinking about it twice. With that said, most of the servers that do that seem pretty much unaffected by the EULA enforcement, or even have been unblocked despite not changing anything.
  9. JessTheGreat

    JessTheGreat Well-Known Member

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    I'm with Slippplaymc. Whatever we may think of the Eula we can't change it. All we can do is help figure out ways for the server to make money while adhering to its guideline. That is the question. Thanks for a good discussion though y'all. Help clarify some things for me. I appreciate it.
    BookerTheGeek and Slipplaysmc like this.
  10. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Well I for one will never buy a cosmetic item. I have my account maxed out and my kids accounts, that never play here, have donor status also.

    When I buy the perk I feel like I have something. I haven't changed my minecraft skin in many years, and could care less what it looks like.

    So if perks go, there is no way for me to support this server unless EVERYONE who access MYM has to pay the same FAIR, EQUAL, UNADVANTAGED amount of real world dollars.

    Im willing to be in a monthly subscription to support MYM if EVERYONE else has to also, no desire to support freeloaders
  11. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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  12. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    From : Let's talk server monetisation - the follow-up Q+A

    How often am I allowed to charge players to access my server?
    You can charge players as regularly as you like. You can even charge for timed access if you think it’s the best way to monetise your server.

    So a recurring monthly subscription would be allowed as long as it was priced to cover operational expenses.

    Im fine with that, but I have a feeling 80% of the current server population are not willing to pay.
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
  13. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    10:49 AM
    yeeeah it's not that I'd be unwilling to pay, it's more than I can't actually pay...
  14. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    7:49 PM
    Take the number of people with the Patron or Patron+ rank, multiply by 1.5 and divide it by the total number of players on the server. This is the % of players that would pay a monthly subscription
  15. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    7:49 PM
    Hm, am I reading this wrong or does each blog post say the opposite?
    Quoted from Mojang | Minecraft Commercial Use
    Quoted from Let's talk server monetisation - the follow-up Q+A
    The_Icy_One, Rohen and Xx_Canadian_xX like this.
  16. Xx_Canadian_xX

    Xx_Canadian_xX Well-Known Member

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    I personally think that EULA should only apply to Vanilla out of the box commands and/or blocks/items. Anything outside of Vanilla shouldn't be affected by this EULA.

    As posted earlier by the other owner, players in FTB really don't care about anything cosmetic, majority are mature players that care more about gameplay than they do having sparkles coming out their butts.
  17. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    MYM is probably the most fair of all the big modded servers. A few servers opened with a build competition and all perks were disabled because it WAS a competition. When they did PVP again perks were canceled for the server because you could affect others.

    All this stands to do is drive MYM out of the public service. To pay for what I would assume is a sizeable monthly hosting bill they will have to charge subscriptions or close up. Every other option is against the EULA. If they go the subscription route, ALL will have to pay to access, and since minecraft servers have been "free" for the past 8 years, good luck getting the general public to pay
  18. Xx_Canadian_xX

    Xx_Canadian_xX Well-Known Member

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    1:49 PM
    Mojang's definition of "advantage" is vague to say the least.

    I believe the word needs to be more defined, as their using it in a broad sense that doesn't necessarily apply to all circumstances.
  19. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    10:49 AM
    I don't think the server charging everyone once would ever work. So many people would quit in the process
  20. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    11:49 AM
    Cosmetics affect game play, so why would those be allowed exactly?
    Without being able to put blocks on my head I would have never played around for an hour putting random things on my head, I could have gotten a lot done in that hour, Having that cosmetic affected my game play.
    I understand the argument you are saying here but saying "Does it give an advantage" is a much better way to say almost the same thing.

    Charging hard currency for soft currency is something easily worked around.

    No server is exempt from the EULA but some things they "Allow" or "Turn the other cheek"

    We do not charge for access to any part of the servers, Being allowed to play it for a day or two before everyone else doesnt fit here in my eyes, Before being made public its given a 2 day "Test" period, or for the sake of an argument its a premium server made free.

    Kits are not sold for hard currency.

    We dont sell boosters.

    This is one that we currently break that is a big issue.
    • Simple solutions or answers:
      • Is an issue
      • No rank perks give this feature, should we disable any mod that can do this too?
      • should we disable people tossing items out of their inventory? That clears it.
      • Make every server a hardcore server.
      • Disable any mod that adds anything like travel anchors, Disable nether and end portal.
      • This has never been an issue on any server I have played.
      • teleport to your last location (commonly, the /back command).
      • When and how could this be an issue...?
      • Remove any and all forms of seeing other players, make everyone perma invis.
      • Remove JEI and almost every mod ever since a lot of them have autocrafting
      • Remove Even more mods.
      • This isnt an issue, there is no automated market.
      • Remove MORE mods.
      • Remove vanilla minecraft since it has an elytra and therefor a form of flight.
      • Remove even MOOORE mods
      • Another reason to remove vanilla minecraft because of the /keepInventory game rule.
    (Most of these are not a problem or do not need to be taken care of.)
    Things added by mods (Such as autocrafting) is an "Intended" feature on modded minecraft, else Mojang would put a ban hammer on modded minecraft in general.

    • We dont do prizes or drops like that, its not an issue.
    • Mods add this, therefore it is "intended" and not an issue. (as long as the mod is in the modpack)
    • Mods add this, therefore it is "intended" and not an issue. (as long as the mod is in the modpack)
    • Dont buy better routers anyone, you might get a better connection to a minecraft server! (We dont offer this as a donator perk)
    • We dont offer this as a donator perk, all contests are open to the public.
    • This is slightly an issue.
    • This is an issue.

    When it comes down to it, things we need to take care of are:
    • Remove or change all commands given by ranks
    • Remove or change process of getting kits
    • Remove or change process of the extra claim blocks
    • Remove or change keeping EXP on death
    • Remove or change the changing of spawner
    • Remove or change compass teleport
    • Remove or change the process of getting credits
    [doublepost=1509729813][/doublepost]I would argue that we could make most of MYM Private, Have 1 or two servers that are public and have no perks besides the cosmetic ones.
    and have the other servers "Private" servers that require special access to. In these "Private" servers could we do anything we wanted since it is Private?
    I mean... Some companies make their products for ages 10 and up, They are not going to call the police on or have any problem with someone using it with their 7 yearold kid in their private home because its private. (No legal action could be taken) now if said person tried to make a business using it on anyones 7 year old kids it becomes a public thing and therefore a problem. (Legal action could be taken)

    How people would gain access to the "Private" network would be up for debate. Could require a special form or they could require a donator rank.
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