Third Agrarian Skies server?

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by sin_samsonsin, May 14, 2014.

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  1. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    11:16 AM
    If you ask me you dont realy need a fusion reactor when you can just build one of the Big Reactors different reactors

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  2. Leglerm

    Leglerm Well-Known Member

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    Gregtech isnt compatible with EX Aquilo.

    Even if u get ressources different ways it would take way too long to get started with a fusion reactor.
    I did it once in 1 month with 4 people. And we got lucky that iridium was available in the bedrock dimension :D
  3. MrRoooo

    MrRoooo Well-Known Member

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    greyhair + ragequite = gregtech
    OnkelOpti and sin_samsonsin like this.
  4. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    At the moment the end is useless because it is empty, so I thought to add HEE (Hardcore Ender Expansion) to have a end but not the default one and atm this mod is only in the TPPI modpack so many players haven't played with this mod. Since the end doesn't get used from the agrarian skies pack nothing get lost. So if someone don't want to play with this mod then he should not enter the end.

    I haven't seen any performance issues with one of the mods which I listed above and if there should be one we can remove the mod.

    I have nothing against ProjectRed but against the Translocators. The last time I was running Opis on horizons the translocators had a high update time. Approximately the same update time as a hopper.
    Maybe it was a exception with the item next to the translocator but i'm not usre. We could add it and see then if we remove it or keep it.

    haha, I had the same idea for a short time but I think it is not really fun if you do gregtech without a quarry or farmworld^^

    Updated List:
    • IndustrialCraft 2
    • ArsMagica 2
    • Chisel
    • CarpentersBlocks
    • Hardcore Ender Expansion
    • Thaumic Tinkerer
    • ProjectRed
    • Transfer Nodes (Extra utilities)
  5. Twilight_Dreamz

    Twilight_Dreamz New Member

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    I actually think some of the farming mods might be interesting to add, such as agriculture, or growthcraft. I'd also maybe like to see enderchests and tanks added, I can see where those would be so useful.
    MrRoooo likes this.
  6. MrRoooo

    MrRoooo Well-Known Member

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    yes! more food/farming mods!
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    bugged in tppi with ic2, so as long as it isn't fixed, no need to talk about ;)
  8. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Does agriculture work with AS? How many items you can't get?
  9. OnkelOpti

    OnkelOpti New Member

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    i would quarry the hell out of the nether :D (i've already seen it on AS1^^)

    but you all are right. the ressouces are hard to get. it was the first thing that came in mind when i thought about hardcore :)
  10. Twilight_Dreamz

    Twilight_Dreamz New Member

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    agriculture can use the pam's harvestcraft crops, I think, it only adds a few and the only ones hard to get would be vanilla, strawberries, cinnamon and Idk what the 4th one is, but they are in nei as interchangeable with pams crops so I think that would be fine
    the rest is just different ways to process I think
  11. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    Add Buildcraft and EnderStorage!
  12. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    why buildcraft, where do you see the advantage?
  13. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    Well, removing my old island would not have been a hastle and building new rooms (Each new area i make is 3x3 chunks and each rooms is 1 chunk).
  14. Auonddon

    Auonddon Well-Known Member

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    I'm curious about all these additional mods requested. From where I'm standing and this is just my opinion nothing more; Generally speaking players wanted a harder mod pack we gave them one. Then they wanted to make it easier, we did; now they want new mods either because A they want it even easier then it is currently or B they are bored to an extent because they have already got everything. Granted I'm sure in part this is because of the HQM constantly reseting so your progression is never permanent and I apologize for that.

    This constant cycle of "make it easier" and then "I'm bored, add more" is rather out drawn. Granted any changes are never only done for one reason it seems to be the foundation behind every change proposal I have seen.


  15. MrRoooo

    MrRoooo Well-Known Member

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  16. Leglerm

    Leglerm Well-Known Member

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    I wonder about those "make it easier people" i dont see anyone here :D
    Its those people who quit the pack cause they are lazy too crook or to sieve.
    Thats why (and always talking about if there will be a 3rd one) should be whitelisted.

    The reason why people want some new mods especially like ic2 and am2 is to add a new field to the existent game.
    In my opinion jadded is fully focused on mfr and te. It gets quite boring at a certain type of your game. Its like waiting for machines to finally finish.

    With most of the other mods mentioned like chisel and carpenters aswell as project red (besides the redstone part) it adds building stuff. This will hopefully make people build stuff instead fill a 16*16 block area full of machines to get quests done.

    Back to topic:
    Enderstorage: wouldn't add it cause tesseracts actually add this function in some way and even better. Actually the purpose with !keep x items in stock would be best with translocators which also got denied cause of server ressources.
    Buildcraft: As far as i love gates and pipings i see no real reason for it (At all when we enable the Extra Utilities nodes). Pumps and quarrys are allready in the game (btw pumps wouldnt work in overworld cause no infitnie water). The mj mechanic is also quite useless since all machines take rf or produce rf, also the forestry engines are disabled.

    Its also just my opinion. Someone came up with this thread and i just want to support the idea.
    Also a question regarding this: Is this 3rd Server actually a possible thing or is it just an idea that players have?
    And if yes is there actual a possible date when this would happen?
    MDoubleMrf likes this.
  17. Twilight_Dreamz

    Twilight_Dreamz New Member

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    I personally love agrarian, but because of the quest resets, my friend and I are taking a break over at horizons, and for me it doesn't really matter about adding more mods, I'd play the pack without them, I would have stayed with agrarian through the quest resets, but my friend didn't want to and I didn't want to play without him, :/ I'm looking forward to the hqm fix and being able to come back to agrarian.
  18. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    it is always hard to give an eta, but we really love the idea and already looked up/requested the permissions for these additional mods. So be ready, it can be days or weeks.[DOUBLEPOST=1400363117,1400361247][/DOUBLEPOST]if you like to have a status:
    • modpack is setup
    • waiting for reply about permissions for 2 mods
    • whitelist plugin with invites need to be found or created
    • finetuning of the configs from the new mods
    • quests for the new mods (can be done while running)
    OnkelOpti likes this.
  19. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    Haha i never though this would acually have a chance at becoming something. But i am glad that it has, at least to a point :D
  20. Adam_Tice

    Adam_Tice New Member

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    I really love this community of people... One thing gets suggested, and suddenly, people are moving mountains to get stuff accomplished. I've been silently, for the most part, just watching this conversation flourish and have fallen in love with this idea. I'm glad this even has the slightest chance of happening, and am hoping I can take part in this "new" modpack creation
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