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Decided Against Tier 5 Donator Godmode removal

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by MintiPi, Jul 1, 2015.


What version of T5 Donator would you want?

  1. Original (T5)

  2. Modified (T5+)

  3. Original + Modified (T5 or T5+)

  4. Other (Discuss!)

  5. Potato

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. matijase

    matijase Well-Known Member

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    12:45 PM
    Removing god mode would take away some of the donations so i would suggest yust nerfing it with a timer.[DOUBLEPOST=1435776082][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I have seen a few times people wrote in chat that they will donate yust because of /god
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2015
  2. MaelstromPhoenix

    MaelstromPhoenix Well-Known Member

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    - Kits do that anyway. Starting out with the resource, resource plus and armor plus kits basically preps you with a way to get to the end and kill the ender dragon within the first moments of a server opening.
    - Witchery should have no affect on any player since PvP is off and using it to troll is against the rules unless it is agreed on by both players, at which point the player can toggle /god off.
    - You can remove warp with myms as well.
    - Not really. Again, kits counteract this, not /god.
    - Hungry nodes wouldn't harm t5 donators either way. Instant teleportation means you can get out any time you want.
    - Although this is true, it's not like the boss fights are impossible otherwise. Takes a bit more time to prep but the point of donator perks is to alleviate some of the more time consuming tasks in the game.
    - Don't know why you would need armor unless it is something like goggles of revealing or other utility items. If you want to be alerted to that happening, play without it. I'm fine sacrificing the occasional piece of armor for the utility of /god.
    Xyrik and julio1237878 like this.
  3. mynameisAK

    mynameisAK Walking Modded-MC Wikipedia.

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    However only with /god could you kill the Ender Dragon from Hardcore Ender Expansion in 10 mins of joining the server - As proven by some people.
  4. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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    - Rushing the end the first couple of hours and killing the dragon is not possible with kits especially if hardcore ender expansion is in the modpack.
    - Unless a group of people have agreed to have a war with the other, and keep pvp on, which has happened a few times.
    - You need 2500 myms, which only way to get is by selling alot of items, or someone giving you the money.
    - Yes really. The kits will only keep you protected for a certain amount of time, and if you play alot the armour will eventually break, unlike /god.
    - If you do not panic and don't mess up tping away, also you could just use /heal and tp away, technically you have god mode doing that.
    - You know ars magica? You can instantly summon almost any ars magica boss and kill it with a stone sword if you have god mode.
    - Maybe some people like to look good or showoff there armour to other people.
  5. Xyrik

    Xyrik [Knight of Arashi]

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    I agree with Maelstrom, and to be honest I think that while Godmode is pretty powerful, you also have to think that the people who have it, have donated like ~$90 to the server. That's a LOT of money, and while it doesn't mean that the server owes them anything, nor does it guarantee anything, I think a lot of people who did donate would be upset that they lots what is one out of three perks that are what they get for the upgrade from t4>t5

    I like to look good and show my skin off to people. Also just saying that 2500 myms is not all that much when you have claim-blocks to sell, etc.
    Aamia and julio1237878 like this.
  6. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    That is why we want tier 5 donators to comment so we can get their view on it and what they would want as a replacement if we did think about removing it
  7. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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    Again it can be easily compensated with some of the following suggestions, I would prefer to be able to change a spawner to enderman, witch, or blaze, or have a op kit, then have god mode.
  8. Rebelborn

    Rebelborn Well-Known Member

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    i vote no. dont remove /god
    Aamia likes this.
  9. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    And then comes the people that only want godmode

    I want godmode reason why I upgraded I dont want a replacement I am happy with godmode
    Aamia likes this.
  10. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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    Since a few t5's want to keep that is it maybe possible to let them have it but the ones who do not take it away and give them the spawner changing options and the op kits and whatever else is agreed on?
  11. Xyrik

    Xyrik [Knight of Arashi]

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    The spawner things seem like things that should already be a part of being a T4 Donor, not to mention that a kit doesn't really feel anything like a compensation for something like godmode. Yes kits are nice, but if you look at anything in them, you can pretty much obtain all the items within about 1-2 hours of playing, if you really try. The only exception I've seen to this is the wither backpack in Hubris, which doesn't actually do anything insofar as I've seen.
  12. MaelstromPhoenix

    MaelstromPhoenix Well-Known Member

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    - Killing the ender dragon, especially with HEE, is definitely not as easy as with /god but that's the point of /god is to facilitate such activities.
    - If you can agree to keep PvP toggled on, the player can agree to keep /god toggled off. If they turn it on, that is their issue and has nothing to do with /god. It's the same as just turning PvP off again.
    - 2k myms is about a week of voting. Unless you are planning on joining first day and grinding to the end of thaumcraft in about 3-4 days, it plays no role whether or not you have /god to combat warp. Even if, warp is not extremely game changing anyway, it's more of a convenience to not have it but it is not gamebreaking.
    - Kits are daily. You'd have to play nearly the whole day or just stand in the middle of a mob farm taking damage to go through 1 complete set of diamond armor in one day. Even if, you can just wait for the next day and get another set of diamond armor, by doing absolutely nothing except for going to bed.
    - It's not that hard to type /spawn or /home home. Plus even if you die, you can come back with a pickaxe and destroy it really easily.
    - You can also just kill it with something else. Place the boss on some ExUtil Spikes or get a Killer Joe to finish it off. It's not that complicated to find a way to fight bosses without actually fighting it, unless it is Botania, because Vazkii implemented ways to counteract such things.
    - Again, that's not a /god issue. If you want to show off your armor and be notified when it takes damage, play without /god. Fine by me.
  13. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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    I don't know what they going to do, the topic is new and just started today. I hope they either take it away fully or take it away from the people who do not want it and give them the extra perks that are agreed on, and maybe make it some way were the end is disabled for a certain amount of time so people can not cheat to kill the dragon.
  14. MaelstromPhoenix

    MaelstromPhoenix Well-Known Member

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    On most packs there is a way to respawn the dragon. It's not like only one person can kill it.
  15. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    I dont get why the enderdragon its so important ok it drops the egg and tons of experience and ik its needed for Hardcore ender expansion but like you cant make it with other mods and use the temple caller

    Also phamtasmal bees revives the dragon if I am not mistaking

    And if there is no way to make you can always suggest the server to make a recipe
  16. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    you spoilt everything! dangit, now the secret is out :/
  17. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    Really chugga xD come on I learned that from a website everything does not have to be a secret well only 1 thing if you know what.i.mean
  18. TheDrunkSquirrel

    TheDrunkSquirrel Well-Known Member

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    Witchery uses it, adventure backpacks uses it, Extra bees uses it, magic bees.
  19. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    As a tier five donator: (non staff opinion)

    • I donated to tier five not for kits, but specifically for god.
    • I like the kits, but that is NOT why I bought tier 5.
    • I do not want to lose my tier five rank god mode.
    That being said:
    • Their needs to be a new tier five rank put in place, and I fully agree with the o.p. on what should be included.
    • From the day the rank is modified going forward, people purchasing tier 5 would not get god mode, but the New tier 5.
    • Player should be able to go from old 5 to new 5, but not the other way around.
    • Offer to refund down to tier 4 for the differance during the next 3 months.
    Just because I have/want it does not mean it is best for the server.

    And altho I love my god mode, I will be the first to give it up if a system like I outlined is put into place.

    I'll take another armour kit good sir. ;)
  20. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    I donated from t4 to t5 specifically for /god, I afk a lot because I have kids and /god makes it so I can just walk off with out needing to worry about death. If I lost /god people would see a whole lot less of me on servers, no one sees me on skyblock servers because of the lack of /fly on them as it is ^_^.
    Aamia and crazar like this.
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