Tiered marketplace

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by jackripper0987, May 11, 2015.

  1. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    2:31 PM
    for maintnance tesseracts or similar with creative barrels attached
  2. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    11:31 AM
    Why would player have connections to creative barrels? That was what "Resetting inactive shops" and "Checks for end game items" was about.
  3. immaZebrah

    immaZebrah Friendly Neighbourhood Zebra

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    I like the idea of the sign shops though, we could have an area that checks your ingame time and if it's the required amount then you're allowed to go their. Like a command block when you hit the button running a command to check the players ingame time and if it's past a certain point then the door opens for 5-10 seconds (circumvent any lag), or a region with maybe a custom flag that allows only a player with for example a day of playtime to entire the area, or something of that sort. With this we could add in the rank of a Helper or Shop Helper where they get pinged every hour or so in chat to go check the shops and if they see anything outta the ordinary then they can report it in a ticket or just to a higher ranked staff. Idk, this could be a fun project to work on.
    Mining_Canadian likes this.
  4. Mining_Canadian

    Mining_Canadian Well-Known Member

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    A sign shop? How so yaknow like the ones they have on factions and survival servers and stuf...

  5. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    You mean it should be in the base of the player?
  6. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    You realize a command block can teleport the triggering player, rather than only allowing one player in at a time OR allowing every player on the server to enter while the door opens for several seconds? That way, any number of players can enter, but only the ones who have the proper amount of time.
    I still say time is a pointless indicator, though. Some people are faster, some are slower. Have it remove a certain item or set of items to permanently unlock it for that player, like at the spawn teleporter.
  7. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    we dont ever use command blocks
  8. immaZebrah

    immaZebrah Friendly Neighbourhood Zebra

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    Like I said, or a region flag that checks time and will prevent you from entering an area :p Just thoughts.
  9. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    Like has been said dozens of times already... Time is a horrible measurement of how far through you should be. SOme people get through much faster, others, much slower.
  10. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    An Easier Solution would to just block access to the Market for the first 12hrs-16hrs of joining a server.
    For most people this is less then a week.
    And or before they visit all dimension (nether, end, Twilight....ect(except Moo moo. bedrock))

    OR, make it a one time Payment to unlock the market. Meaning you can unlock it via Voting.
    Make the price like 2-3 days of voting, This would remove the hour time and put a hard time of a few days on it.
  11. jackripper0987

    jackripper0987 New Member

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    The timed block access would work well, if there was something like that than it may be good to block /money pay ? for that time aswell, so people cant circumvent that way.

    Location based could work, but it is easy to circumvent like in AS2, what if it was a timed based with a payment. For example in AS2 you could have 5hrs before unlock is avaliable. Then to unlock you need to sacrafice a block of diamond (as it will take you a while to get that). That way for the quick players which would get a block easily, they will still have to wait x mins just so they cant race towards that goal
    Tokoshoran likes this.
  12. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    2:31 PM
    Why are you guys trying to actually make new players move away with some of the ridiculousness suggestions, in fact, the trading can go further into like the trust system, and the market is an important way to get claim blocks, which is why we need it
  13. Mining_Canadian

    Mining_Canadian Well-Known Member

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    No like a shop at spawn that uses sign shops (from bukket I belive) so we can decide what is sold and at what price
  14. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    I don't see where you are ever going to stop a player that doesn't want to put in the effort from buying their way forward. Why focus so much time on preventing this? The people that like the hardcore aspect will just no use the market or take shortcuts. Different players enjoy different parts of the game. I think we are focusing time on a non problem rather than spending that time to better address actual larger issues that impact the player base as a whole.
    chugga_fan and Alicatt like this.
  15. Alicatt

    Alicatt New Member

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    I've seen chestshops used widely on vanilla economy based servers, ran by players in small boutique type stores as well as in large item exchanges...and work very well with inflation kept at a minimum.

    I can give more details into how it all worked if this is something the staff is interested in implementing.

    That being said, I do not like or support admin/server shops, nor do I think this teired shop idea could be implemented in any practical way.

    Also makes me sad to see the idea of not allowing crafted items in the marketplace we currently have. --For instance, I just spent a lot of time and resources on making the 16-3 spatial storage thinking that's what I needed for my ME chest to work (ae2 noob) and now knowing I created the wrong thing, I want to be able to sell it to recoup some of my expenses.
  16. Xfel11

    Xfel11 Consultant

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    We did have chestshops on the old ultimate server. The system never worked quite well due to the difficulty of searching for specific items and the fact that abandoned shops didn't get cleaned up properly.
  17. AdrianVaughan

    AdrianVaughan Patron Tier 1

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    Well we could do the same for shops as we do for claims if they not been on for 3 weeks it gets cleared. And I love shops brings a good feeling of buying something and the fun of finding the best price.
    jackripper0987 likes this.
  18. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    2:31 PM
    not sure if this is possible, but have a maintnance cost for Chestshops, so lets say every 7 days it costs like 25mym per chestshop owned by a specific player
  19. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    Regrowth just simply does not work well with a shop. The only restriction I could see that would work, is that you would have to have the item already to buy another.

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