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Info Tips on how to Increase your FPS

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by Lawmonark, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. MrRoooo

    MrRoooo Well-Known Member

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    I too would like to know if there are any Client side arg we could use to help the help play better.[DOUBLEPOST=1435407514][/DOUBLEPOST]I found two pages with info on client side arg. To me none of this makes any sense. Would this help players?

    Optimising Your Minecraft: Jvm Arguments | Xeal Gaming Minecraft Network - Crafting Bonds

    Java 7 / 8 command line options for Minecraft servers + clients! - Server Administration - Server Support - Support - Minecraft Forum - Minecraft Forum
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2015
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I doubt they help. But why not try?
  3. Woldraxe_Anon

    Woldraxe_Anon New Member

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    You're off your rocker apparently...

    Have you heard of Screen Tearing? V-Sync is designed to force refresh then display to avoid it.

    Graphics: Fast
    Lighting: Minimum (Or high)
    Clouds: Off
    Render Distance: 8
    Particles: Maximum
    Vsync: ON
    Max Framerate: Should NOT be faster then your Refresh Rate.

    You can't determine a Max or min for anything. My system, runs maxed cities, Render = 16
    Max = 60
    Clouds = On
    V-Sync = On
    Map Max = Max
    Particles = Max
    Lightning = Max

    Depends on your ModPack. If you're playing DW20, having 4GB of RAM only is suicide on my system. I allocate 10GB (of 16)
  4. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    This was made for people that are having performance issues, and yes i know what screen tearing is.
    If the person cant get 60/120 frames to begin with, then it doesnt matter....

    Also i can have 300fps+ and i never see tears. Luckly Minecraft does not suffer from it.

    Another thing, When using V-sync in Minecraft... it actually reduces your overall performance.

    What does being off my rocker have to do with anything? I am a functional lunatic
    Kazeodori likes this.
  5. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    hope it's fine to push the old thread...

    those are some args which the autor (peter) of multimc recommended when i had to struggle with some lagspikes, and indeed they helped a lot:

    WorkFlowy - Organize your brain.
  6. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    I find it strange that you should use 4 gb for modpack. I think that normal laptop has only 4 gb total RAM and I don't see any way how to remove OS from draining RAM.

    Optifine is really good, when you have old computer with 4 gb RAM and bad integrated graphics. I am personally happy that I can even run modpack and I don't care about visual artifacts and weird looking stuff.

    I don't know about Fastcraft anything but that it should help a bit.

    Can 8x8 texture pack increase performance? If yes, can anyone put here some good looking 8x8 texture pack that looks similiar to default textures?
  7. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    my laptop has 8GB

    can some explain why to solution to every thing is optifine do u know how many issues this mod causes with larger packs do not use optifine even the person that makes the mod has said do not use it with large mod packs
  8. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Just stick optifine in and youll be fine for a bit
  9. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    It is simple, Optifine magically decrease lag when you set all settings to minimum (I tested it, FPS goes from 10 to 40 and menu stops lagging). You need low-end laptop to see it.

    What issues can it cause? I don't care about them because it makes the modpack playable and menu stops lagging. Without it I wasn't nearly able to navigate menu.

    Playing with visual artifacts and strange textures is an option. Getting better laptop is not.

    Get 4 gb RAM and intel HD 3000 laptop and you will see.
  10. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    the issue is optinfine is not build for it it is bult to optimize non modded it causes soooooooooooo many issues
  11. jim_veens

    jim_veens Well-Known Member

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    i dont have problems with lagg, unless i download shaders though, at a modpack with 280 mods.
    Trust me my laptop almost crashed for the first time when i did that. before i had alot of FPS, well i still do because i deleted it
  12. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    If it isn't intended to work and it works, everything is fine.

    On Bee Happy (When I started, so no machinery caused lagging), I had very bad FPS (like 0-10) and after adding Optifine, my FPS increased massively and modpack was finally playable. That is my experience with Optifine.

    BTW redstone in motion/frames + Optifine = dangerous
  13. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    no that is not my issue yes optinfine increse fps but there are better things like fastcraft and tbh optinfine is not made to work with mods no matter what anyone says even the person that coded the mod has said "it should not be used on large mod packs" it messes with base game rendering causeing massive issues with multiple mods to name a few mods that will not except any crash-report where optifine is involve are as follows tinker construct, thermal expansation, thaumcraft and thats just a few this mod cause more problems then anything and i would not recommend using it in anything but non modded for the reason that minecrafts base render is edited by optifine so all kinds of visual artifacts can and most likly will happed for exmple i tried optifine on infinty evolved last year used it for a day fine second game my screen went multi coloured and started flasing i removed optinfine never happened again
  14. Dovahpork

    Dovahpork Well-Known Member

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    i have honestly never had an issue with optifine yet loads of people say it's bad in large packs every pack i have played has been 120+
    and optifine has played nice with all the mods
  15. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    Fastcraft doesn't help that much. Even with it (but without Optifine) Civilization and Bee Happy lagged.
  16. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Civ for me runs at 30fps now when it used to push 100
    johnfg10 likes this.
  17. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    alven trust me fastcraft helps alot of ppl with out messing with base code used by other mods like optifine does the simple solution tur down your settings :D
  18. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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    simplest way: give the modpack more ram, and everything runs fine. i never run under 40 fps.. well, only when im in mica's base in CL or my harvester is chopping down 10 trees. but that are some issues you have to be aware of.
  19. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    no not the solution at all never ever give minecraft more then 4gbs of ram it will run worse on 16 then on 4 as minecraft is only optimized to use 4gbs of ram
  20. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    No, Fastcraft isn't enough for my computer. I need Optifine too or I wouldn't be nearly able to do anything. I tested it.

    I think that, I just have very bad integrated graphics. Sadly, I don't know any easy way how to change it for better one.

    It is kind of impossible to add 4 gb RAM to Minecraft, when you have only 4 gb RAM in computer. Or do you know any way how to do that (maybe special Linux distro designed to run only Minecraft?) ?
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2016

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