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Vote streaks

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Azurith93, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    11:25 AM
    ive seen his strat it works perfectly[DOUBLEPOST=1454260553,1454253699][/DOUBLEPOST]
    will that work :D
  2. Saint_Ceadda

    Saint_Ceadda Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    7:25 AM
    There has been a derailment. Please get back on topic.

    Referring back to the original post, removing the accumulation of claimblocks by playtime was the best idea in terms of balanced economics that MyM has ever done. MMOs, of which these servers can be classified, must have an effective way of taking currency out of the hands of players in a way that makes them think they are getting something of value in return. Each player can earn up to 50 tokens per day by voting. That equates to 500 MyMs or 500 claimblocks. Purchasing kits or claimblocks removes currency from the game. Purchasing items on the market doesn't, it just moves the currency from one player to another, and does nothing to combat inflation or imbalance.

    I am hoping that random item chests will return to the shop soon, as they will add some excitement and mystery to the game while removing currency from the game. It's win-win.

    I cannot support the addition of voting streak rewards. The base tokens received from voting are enough of a reward as it is. If a player votes every day for an average month (30 days), they could end up with 15,000 MyMs or 15,000 claimblocks. In my opinion, instead of increasing the rewards for voting, we should be reducing the number of tokens received for voting to make expansion more difficult.
    tyler489 likes this.
  3. CPU678

    CPU678 Well-Known Member

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    1:25 PM
    Like i sayed here earlier, vote tokens are not only used on MyM´s/claimblocks, they are allso used on chunkloader tickets witch I find really really important in pack that im playing in. Allso 15000 claimblocks isnt alot, if you are big builder or want to build base that has more than 1 larger structure might not fit in 120x125 area that you can claim after voteing for whole month.

    In my opinion, removeing currency is nowhere near win, 1 of biggest reasons why i play in server is to trade with other people and market allready takes some of MyM´s from seller when he puts items on market and allso % of price he put to hes items when someone buys them. I wount say anything bad about mystery game and could actualy see that as reward (like 1 key that you choose for 3 days you have voted in row) of vote-streaks.

    Allso, do these 2 not look similar to you? Longer you play, more claimblocks you get, I agree that option with votes is better but idea remains same.
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    7:25 AM
    M8, people like me and mati would have nearly 10000 myms on every eco by sitting there and doing nothing, trust me, it breaks when you get to people who play alot

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