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What are you looking for?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Slind, Jun 11, 2015.


What modpack are you looking for?

Poll closed Jun 18, 2015.
  1. Horizons 2 (1.7.10 - FTB)

    19 vote(s)
  2. TPPI 2 (1.7.10 - Reddit)

    4 vote(s)
  3. Hubris (ThirdParty FTB)

    2 vote(s)
  4. Departed (FTB - setup like all our other servers)

    9 vote(s)
  5. Trident (FTB)

    5 vote(s)
  6. Vanilla Plus (FTB)

    3 vote(s)
  7. nothing new

    2 vote(s)
  8. Resonant Rise 3

    7 vote(s)
  1. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    12:49 PM
    I wish Magic Farm 3 was up for voting(my vote stays with Vanilla plus or this). It has Choco craft, Mo cratures and soo much more.
    This is kinda what Horizons should have been as far as a pack. Of course you would need to disable the Better Sleeping mod but overall its an amazing pack
    Watch this*Quests were removed in the recent update(for the better)
    They take about how the pack makes you do things differantly...

    JSONAbles - jaredlll08
    Accidentally Circumstantial Events - zavvias
    Advanced Generators - bdew
    AgriCraft - InfinityRaider
    AppleCore - squeek502
    Aroma1997Core - Aroma1997
    AromaBackup - Aroma1997
    AtomicStryker's InfernalMobs - AtomicStryker
    Automagy - Thuljin
    AutoPackager - smbarbour
    Bagginses - lorddusk
    BdLib - bdew
    Better Sleeping - OndraSter
    Binnie's Mods - Binnie567
    Blood Magic - WayofTime
    Botania - Vazkii
    ChocoCraft - clienthax
    CodeChickenCore - chicken_bones
    CoFHCore - Team CoFH
    CoFHLib -TeamCoFH
    CompactStorage - tattyseal
    Custom Main Menu - lumien231
    Custom Villagers - Elec332
    D3 Core - DoubleDoorDev
    Dark Menagerie - RWTema
    Deadly World - docrobb
    ElecCore|dimensionAPI - Elec332
    EnderTech - voxelcarrot
    Extra Utilities - RWTema
    FinndusFillies - Myrathi
    Flat Signs - Myrathi
    Fluxed-Crystals - jaredlll08
    Forestry - SirSengir
    Garden Stuff - jaquadro
    Gendustry - bdew
    Guide - API - Speedynutty68
    Hardcore Questing Mode- lorddusk
    Headcumbs -ganymedes01
    Hunger Overhaul - progwml6
    Iguana Tinker Tweaks - bonusboni
    Inventory Tweaks - Kobata
    Jabba - ProfMobius
    JourneyMap - techbrew
    KitchenCraft - tterrag1098
    LaunchGUI - Speedynutty68
    Magic Bees - MysteriousAges
    Minefactory Reloaded - skyboy026
    MineTweaker3 - StanH
    MobiusCore - ProfMobius
    ModTweaker - jaredlll08
    Mystcraft - XCompWiz
    Natura - mDiyo
    NEI Addons - bdew
    NEI Integration - tonius111
    NetherOres - skyboy026
    NotEnoughItems - chicken_bones
    ObsidiPlates - Myrathi
    Origin - Country_Gamer
    Pam's HarvestCraft - MatrexsVigil
    Progressive Automation - VanhalMinecraft
    Random Things - lumien231
    Recall Stones - VanhalMinecraft
    Redstone Arsenal - TeamCoFH
    Refined Relocation - Dynious
    Resource Loader - lumien231
    Router Reborn - TomEVoll
    Sanguimancy - Tombenpotter
    Simply Jetpacks - tonius111
    Solar Flux - Nauktis
    Apecial AI - docrobb
    Special Mobs - docrobb
    Steve's Workshop - Vswe
    Storage Drawers - jaquadro
    Super Crafting Frame - Edgar_Allen
    Thaumcraft - azanor
    Thaumcraft NEI Plugin - DjGiannuzz
    Thaumcraft Node Tracker - Dyonovan
    Thaumic Expansion - Country_Gamer
    Thaumic NEI - gudenau
    The Spice of Life - squeek502
    Thermal Dynamics - Team CoFH
    Thermal Expansion - Team CoFH
    Thermal Foundation - Team CoFH
    TiC Tooltips - squeek502
    Tinkers Construct - mDiyo
    Traveller's Gear - BluSunrize
    ttCore - tterrag1098
    Waila - ProfMobius
    Waila Harvestability - squeek502
    WAILA Plugins - tterrag1098
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2015

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