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What color is this dress?

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by bobthepig2, Feb 28, 2015.


What do you see?

  1. Blue and Black

    16 vote(s)
  2. Gold and White

    20 vote(s)
  1. JacaRoe

    JacaRoe Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    11:31 AM
    Funny how live imitates art (using the term loosely).

  2. Lexy2416

    Lexy2416 Well-Known Member

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    11:31 AM
    Just to anyone that wants to keep arguing that its white and gold. There are studies that show that blue and black is the true color. Most people see white and gold. The only reason we see different colors is because our mind is always filling in information for us. What makes the dress different colors to everyone is the lighting in the back ground. For some people our mind precieves the light in the background as like sun coming through the window or a lamp shining on it. I have seen multiple videos on YouTube explaining why the dress is really blue and black, and just to show the truth that I am correct I'll add a link to where the dress can be bought. Now, most of you are wondering, "How did the dress get famous." So this lady was buying a dress for a wedding. I believe she was the mother of the bride. The bride wanted to know what the dress she had bought had looked like. The groom and the bride could not decide what color it was and decided later to post a picture on a social networking website stating "What color is this dress". Most people stated white and gold. After the wedding was over she had posted a picture of it on Tumblr. Once that happened the dress had gone viral and blown up. Here is a link to prove it is Blue and black. Roman Originals, company behind optical illusion blue dress produce it in white and gold | Daily Mail Online They say at the top that they have now made a white and gold version because of the publicity it got, just for those of you that want to keep arguing cause they saw that picture first. If anyone would like to keep arguing about this. I'll will post links of more and more things that prove it. Until then, for those of you that saw white and gold, accept the fact that you are wrong. :)
    Kalilak and Mijikai like this.
  3. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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    8:31 AM
    JacaRoe likes this.
  4. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    10:31 AM
    This will never die!
    Mijikai likes this.
  5. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    11:31 AM
    There is a dress in the pictures??????
    paulnator2112 likes this.

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