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Your thoughts on the whole apple situation

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by bobthepig2, Feb 18, 2016.


Should apple create a backdoor for the FBI?

  1. Yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. No

    29 vote(s)
  1. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:52 AM
    I have to say no. The Government, for years, has been trying to get codes to access encrypted info. And since the Government keeps getting hacked and the info they assure us is safe keeps going to whoever, I prefer that they have as little of my info as possible. Bad enough, a person must worry about someone hacking their info and using Identity fraud, but to know that a massive organization that is a specific target of hackers wants to get your info...no. The FBI, CIA and NSA all have hackers and code breakers on their payrolls. They also share info. The NSA just got into trouble because the had hundreds of thousands of records hidden away. Info that they were not supposed to have since the targets were innocent civilians who did no crimes. Info that they are specifically and legally bound not to keep. They had no problem ignoring the law for their own personal reasons. I am one of those who feel that at this point in time, our Government has been doing serious over reaching. We, as civilians, have a hard enough time securing our private info.
    alven4 and johnfg10 like this.
  2. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    2:52 AM
    Ahhh, and now the newest wrinkle in the FBI/Apple dispute. It turns out Apple had been working with the FBI and told them a simple way to get info....take the phone to the terrorists home and his WiFi service and plug it up, causing it to update to the Cloud and allow info to be accessable. Only.....it turns out that after their people told the FBI how to do this (in their technical terms), someone changed the password. What???? Who would do such a foolish thing. It seems that the FBI told the San B Authorities to do it! So, as a result of very foolish actions by the FBI, while the techs of Apple where helping them, they locked the phone themselves. And now they want Apple to give them a master key to all iPhones?! I, personally, call that suspicious. But, in the end, Apple, Google, privacy advocates and other companies are saying a big ole nope. And now we wait to see what happens........
  3. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    Local Time:
    3:52 AM
    AKA, apple told them what any white hat hacker with 30 minutes on an Iphone can tell them, lol
    Demonica6666 likes this.

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