Crash Landing Tips and tricks.

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by fry_lad, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. fry_lad

    fry_lad New Member

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    I'm making this thread as a way for people to find out things about Crash landing that they otherwise might not, (if you have anything to add comment below and I'll edit the post)

    Note: I will not be including Bugy/Exploitative ideas in this post unless I know they're specifically allowed.

    Part 1 Acquiring items:

    Getting Water:

    There are a few main ways to get water in Crash landing but sometimes it can be confusing on how to get a steady supply.

    -Shear leaves / crook leaves *Personal Favorite*

    -once you have the leaves or saplings all you need to do is put them in the fluid transposer or crusible and power it to get 100ml of water each (you need 10 saplings or 10 leaves to get 1 water bottle)

    -Cook Dirty water

    the first step for this is to get yourself a bucket, it doesn't matter if it's clay or iron, once you have that pick up the water by your house and dig a tunnel down to Y level 47ish then place your water block there and it'll become a dirty water block, once you've gotten this far all you need to do is right click on the water block with an empty bottle and you'll get dirty water which you can then smelt in a furnace to get clean water

    Cobblestone Generators:

    depending on your play style you may only find yourself using 1 or 2 of these ideas but they are all plausible:

    -Pyrothium cobblegen

    This generator is quite simple to do and can be done within the first 3 minutes of getting your island.

    what you need to do is gather a bit of dust from around the area to help you stay out of the fire, then you want to dig a trench under your ship from the pyrothium to your water (works best if you make them meet up in the center)

    once you've done that the pyrothium will turn the water into smoothstone which can be harvested with a wood hamme-r or pick to get an early start on cobble

    -Plain old Vanilla cobble Gen

    this is a cobblestone generator that you'd end up making in vanilla minecraft but can still make in this mod pack.

    what you do is you get some cobblestone from sifting your dust util you have 4 blocks, then (assuming you have made a crusible with 7 of the clay and bonemeal) place the cobble in the crusible with a torch or pyrothium underneath it to start melting it into lava, once it reaches 1000mb you'll have a bucket of lava and you can make your cobble gen by having water and lava rub up against eachother.

    -Transfernode *Personal Favorite*

    this type of cobble gen requires a bit of materials before hand (1 chest, 5 smoothstone, 12 redstone, 2 glass)


    to make this cobble gen you need to have a lava source block and a water source block on either side of a piece of cobble, then you place your transfer node on top of the cobble and put a chest or barrel above that so that it has an inventory to put the cobble into, once you've done all that you have infinite auto cobble, Simple right?

    Seared Brick:

    There are only two ways I know of to get seared brick.

    -Nether / City world

    This is perhaps the simplest way to get seared bricks.

    First thing you want to do for this method is make a nether portal (I'll explain how to get Obsidion in the next section) after that you want to find a Smeltery building in a city (type /rt until you are able to see a city on your minimap then walk to it)

    you should find a smeltery inside as well as 2 chests (one on the first floor beside the smeltery and one on the second in the corner.) normally one of those chests will have seared brick in them, if not you can at least get some parts of a smeltery from the one in the building


    You know all those little stones you were getting from sifting dust/dirt or from breaking smoothstone with a hammer? well you can turn those into seared bricck


    take those stones and put them into a crusible to melt them down into seared stone (1 stone = 1mb Seared stone)

    it's a lot of stones to make a smeltery but with a little ingenuity you can completely automate it with an item duct, a crucible, a vacuum hopper and a autonomous activator.


    A lot of people seem to be confused on how to get obsidian for a portal, or just in general, so here's the easiest way to get it.

    -Stone barrel

    this is literally the easiest and quickest way of getting obsidian I can think of (seeing as you don't need to mine it)

    the first thing you need to do is to get a stone barrel, one you have that place down the barrel and put a bucket of lava in it by right clicking on it with the bucket of lava in hand. after this just place water on top for a few seconds then remove the water with the bucket and right click on the obsidian in the barrel to pick it up.

    Making Dirt:

    Ex Nihlo Barrel

    This is the more used way to get dirt, it involves getting compostable materials and right clicking on the barrel with them i order to add them to the barrel and compost them into dirt

    Current Item to Dirt recipies I know of are:

    Tree Saplings, Leaves, Rotten Flesh, Spider Eyes, Wheat, Bread, Dandelions, Roses, Brown Mushrooms, Red Mushrooms, Apples, Carrots, Potatoes, Baked Potatoes, Poison Potatoes, Pumpkins, Jack-o-lanterns, Pumpkin Pie, Melons, Melon Slices, Cactus, Lily pads, Vines, Sugar Cane, Tall Grass, Nether Wart, Pork (raw and cooked), Beef (raw and cooked), Chicken (raw and cooked), Eggs, Fish (raw and cooked), silkworms (raw and cooked), String, as well as any other types of seeds and fruit/vegtables.

    Sludge Boiler

    this method requires you to have a working harvester from Mine factory reloaded and a Sludge Boiler

    all you need to do is pump the sludge / waste from the harvester over too the Sludge boiler and let it run, not only does it create power for your mine factory machines but it also produces dirt/Sand/mycilium and a few other products.

    Soul Sand:

    Witch water

    In order to use this method you need to have either ancient spores or mycilium.

    If you have ancient spores, right click on a dirt block to place it and it'll turn the dirt into mycilium, once you have a mycilium block you can place barrels around it and fill them with water, where they'll slowly turn the water inside the barrels into witch water, once it becomes witch water you can right click on it with a piece of sand to create soul sand, right click again to get the soul sand out then refill the barrel

    -Sludge Bioler

    much like the dirt you are able to get soul sand from a sludge boiler by pumping in 1000mb of sludge to get a random Item.

    I'll add more later

    Thanks for reading


    EDIT: this is only part 1 of possibly 3 parts, I'll also update as people suggest things on what they want in it.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
  2. Jeppe0701

    Jeppe0701 Active Member

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    3:17 PM
    Very good tutorial, really the basics!.

    Keep on posting some more.:D
  3. Herr8

    Herr8 New Member

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    Below Y:30 you get Dirty Water instead of Salt Water when right clicking on a Water Source Block with a Bottle.
    Jeppe0701 likes this.
  4. light5hade

    light5hade New Member

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    10:17 AM
    Boy thanks for all the advice man will sure help me :D
  5. fry_lad

    fry_lad New Member

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    actually it's Y47 and lower from what i've tested.
    alven4 and Jeppe0701 like this.
  6. RAM55579

    RAM55579 New Member

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    cool this is really hellpful[DOUBLEPOST=1411081800,1411081485][/DOUBLEPOST]Just I noticed there was no mention of getting food early.
    Mijikai likes this.
  7. fry_lad

    fry_lad New Member

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    Sorry I'm actually writing up ways to get food and other nessesities now but have been taking my time as my internet is very unreliable ATM so I've rarely been home.
    RAM55579 likes this.
  8. RAM55579

    RAM55579 New Member

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    Its alright, you'll get it done eventually.
  9. bloodwi11

    bloodwi11 Well-Known Member

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    Ehh not to bad really, you still have to make the crucible, slab furnace etc before you can get one as a quest reward.

    Edit: i was going to mention that the only thing i really find Auto's useful for is water or using a hammer to break down ores without wasting power. Otherwise the other ones i have just sit in a chest
  10. Jeppe0701

    Jeppe0701 Active Member

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    yeah that is to true XD, but thats kinda early game already.
  11. fry_lad

    fry_lad New Member

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    I said I wasn't going to be using exploitative ways in getting recources, and since this is a bug I count it as such.
  12. bloodwi11

    bloodwi11 Well-Known Member

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    Ahh my mistake, i wasn't aware this was a bug.
  13. fry_lad

    fry_lad New Member

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    That is considered exploitable in my mind, although you probably won't be banned for it but it seems like a half dupe, sorry.
  14. Tiani2709

    Tiani2709 Well-Known Member

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    It is not a bug, because the Mod-Pack maker know about that. He put that for when you can do a automatic system so you can make a better Smeltery.
  15. epictommy145

    epictommy145 New Member

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    Actually, getting dirty water bottle of a water source below the y 47 is not intended for this modpack. It is a feature in Enviromine and it can't be changed in the config which is why it is still existed.

  16. Tecknosa

    Tecknosa Well-Known Member

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    i just tested this on cl3 and it does not create power but the other products are still great to have
  17. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    This thread was posted back in September 2014, it's quite old now ^^'
  18. Tecknosa

    Tecknosa Well-Known Member

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    so then it should be updated, edited or corrected
    oh never mind i did that with my post
  19. 987654321Rui

    987654321Rui Well-Known Member

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    10:17 AM
    Hey @fry_lad do you have anymore tips and tricks thanks
  20. F4lconwings

    F4lconwings Well-Known Member

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