Implemented RF Tools Spawner Dragon/Wither Price Divine Journey

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by KeiranHalcyon89, Oct 3, 2018.

  1. KeiranHalcyon89

    KeiranHalcyon89 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    8:29 AM
    Could the item cost for the RFTools Spawner Dragon/Wither please be reverted back to the stock settings that comes with Divine Journey?

    Mym server config
    	S:Dragon.spawnamount.0 <I minecraft:experience_bottle 0 50000000>
    	S:Dragon.spawnamount.1 <B minecraft:end_stone 0 20000000.0>
    	S:Dragon.spawnamount.2 <L 0 20000000.0>
    	S:Wither.spawnamount.0 <I minecraft:nether_star 0 50000000.0>
    	S:Wither.spawnamount.1 <B minecraft:soul_sand 0 40000000.0>
    	S:Wither.spawnamount.2 <L 0 50000000.0>
    Divine Journey stock config
    	S:Dragon.spawnamount.0<Iminecraft:experience_bottle 0 0.1>
    	S:Dragon.spawnamount.1<Bminecraft:end_stone 0 200.0>
    	S:Dragon.spawnamount.2<L 0 200.0>
    	S:Wither.spawnamount.0<Iminecraft:nether_star 0 0.1>
    	S:Wither.spawnamount.1<Bminecraft:soul_sand 0 40.0>
    	S:Wither.spawnamount.2<L 0 6.0>
    1. BookerTheGeek bumped up the item cost and RF cost to spawn Dragon and Wither as a workaround to ban their use as the RFTools spawner bypassed the mym plugin's world restriction of these bosses
    2. SirWill kindly fixed the mym plugin so that the RFTools spawner honored the plugin's world restriction. He also "reenabled" the spawner.
    My guess is by "reenabled" SirWill reverted the RF cost to spawn those mobs, but missed reverting the item count.

    There have been other unresolved requests on this topic, it would be great if this could get addressed. :)
    Cynnimon likes this.
  2. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    1:29 PM
    If you can auto spawn them then you also likely to have a lot of blocks to feed it so I don't really see a problem
  3. KeiranHalcyon89

    KeiranHalcyon89 Well-Known Member

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    8:29 AM
    While I don't agree with your assertion especially for the wither config, I feel like it's besides the point.

    MYM is not in the habit of modifying modpack mechanics without good reason. Thanks to the fix @SirWill provided, there is no longer a good reason to keep the config modified from stock.
  4. weirdonz

    weirdonz Patron Tier 3

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    Local Time:
    12:29 PM
    Having this re-enabled with sane costs would greatly benefit the ability to complete this pack.

    Just looking at the first item: bottle o' enchanting
    50,000,000 for 1 spawn vs 1 for 10 spawns

    half a billion times as much!

    so 12.5 Million bottles of enchanting for 1 spawn
    which is 100 Million Experience essence.

    I built a reasonable farm to get minicio essence which is likely to gather xp essence at the same rate.
    This gathers about 1 Million essence per hour
    100 Hours to spawn 1 dragon

    Lets not even look at chunk loading costs

    Yes, bigger/more farms could be made, and add more load to the server and affect everyone who plays on it.

    I think the pack author has been sane enough with the costs the pack ships with, and the reason for changing the costs on the server appear to have been addressed through other means.

    Please could you revert the costs to those that the pack ships with.

    Thank you
    KeiranHalcyon89 likes this.
  5. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    1:29 PM
    Should be back to default with the next restart.
    KeiranHalcyon89 and Cynnimon like this.
  6. weirdonz

    weirdonz Patron Tier 3

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    Local Time:
    12:29 PM
    just tested and it works with std costs.

    thank you very much
  7. KeiranHalcyon89

    KeiranHalcyon89 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    8:29 AM
    Thank you! Please take all of my virtual bacon. :cool:

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