The Dark Trilogy and Direwolf20 | Performance

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Slind, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    We gonna need to make a big decision and everyone is welcome to share his opinions.

    Sorry for the wall of text. I kept it as short as possible, but there is too much content around.

    Mobs and animals are insane in terms of performance with these 1.7 packs. It is like build 1000 machines running on max speed and the server is laughing about it. Spawn 500 sheep (or any other mob/animal) and it is having issues keeping up.

    • We started on DW20 with disabling the normal spawn of mobs. This increased performance at about 15-30% there.
    • We did limit the spawn rates natural and from machines, which brought another 10-15%.
    • We compared all major forge and cauldron versions, without discovering any suspicious differences
    • We did tear apart the TDT pack and compared the meantime of mobs.
      • 0 mods => 5-8us
      • hats mod only => 6-8us
      • ui mods (e.g. walia, nei..) => 7-9us
      • basic technic mods (ender io, thermal expansion..) => 20-30us
      • all mods => 60-90us
      • => not a specific mod to blame
    • We did run a test for 24 hours with disabled mobs and animals on The Dark Trilogy and Direwolf20 the result can be seen here:
    Graph, shows the last 3 days with the start time of the disabled living entities marked. The drop at 21:22 was a accident where thousands of items where laying on the ground and putting the tps to 0 which doesn't look that bad here due to the average calculation.
    In more detail:
    • TDT with 36 players from around 70-120ms to 30-35ms
    • Direwolf with 20 players from around 70-90ms to 40-50ms (not such a big difference as the hostile mobs were already disabled)
    • 50ms = 20 TPS, 100ms = 10 TPS...
    My initial idea to which I still stick is to disable all friendly and hostile mobs on the server. Not only the natural spawing, all of it. So you wouldn't be able to use an autospawner or similar. Sounds insane yeah and that isn't even everything, I would also like to remove all extra worlds (e.g. twilight, end, nether..), but I have a concept in mind that might work quite well.
    These worlds and mobs are moved to another server. Quite frankly a famrworld server which looks like the current server but without the build world and the current server without any mobs and extra worlds.

    There many down sights, maybe even too many. But around most of them we could build solutions that make it usable. E.g. access to chunk loaders which work even while being offline (on the other server), this allows blood magic altars to collect LP, the sheep farm to produce wool, the pumps filling tanks...
    The inventory, thaumcraft and blood magic progress would be linked, allowing to move between servers and carrying over items and magic progress. There will be the need for a lot of extra and more complicated setups as dimensional transferring setups (e.g. tesseracts) won't work. From monster we know that it can work though it being a big barricade for new players.
    As the setups would need a lot more space claims would be available, but the worlds might still be reset from time to time with a +4 day warning.
    Like on all our servers, the chat would be linked of course.

    My personal thoughts about advantage and disadvantage:
    • advantage
      • major increase in performance. probably from 80-90ms with +30 players on tdt to 20-30ms (its less than above because of the missing extra worlds) = triple performance
      • (double home points, might be adjusted)
      • claims in farm worlds (oO)
    • disadvantage
      • major part of the game (mobs) disappearing from the build server
      • re-connecting required to switch between servers (safer than latest monster setup)
      • barricade for new players
      • more complicated setups needed (e.g. quarry, pump, mob farm..)
    In my opinion the advantage does outweigh the disadvantage by far, especially as it gives us a lot of room for more players/bigger bases.

    On the forum thread of the first linked reference it was suggested to only disable the natural mobspawn and strictly monitor the mob usage. While this would work and should definitely taken into consideration, I have the bad feeling that it won't be enough and the boost not worth the effort. In detail, mobs would be craftable or purchasable from the market. They can than be used in any way. The staff team keeps an eye on player bases and in case of bad setups take care of them (like the sheep farm here*).

    Donator Server - The Dark Trilogy | MineYourMind Community
    The Dark Trilogy 1.0.5 instability and performance like DW20 | MineYourMind Community
    Direwolf20 - Direwolf20 Performance (constant lagg) | MineYourMind Community

    *the sheep farm is not bad, but in case of this scenario, we wouldn't allow more than 5-8 mobs at a time per player in order to achieve our goal.

    Asked Questions
    @SirWilli did spend a lot of hours yesterday testing all sorts. He compared:
    • 1.6 forge vs 1.7 forge => around 5-8 us per sheep
    • 1.6 cauldron vs 1.7 cauldron => around 6-8 us per sheep
    • TDT with only UI mods (walia, nei..) => 7-9 us per sheep
    • TDT with only technik mods => 20-35 us per sheep
    • TDT with all mods => 60-90 us per sheep
    While he did also test a lot of mods on their own he wasn't able to point at one specific mod.
    (the us are higher here as it has been tested on a local machine with a cpu that only has around a 1/3 of the singlethread performance as the servers)

    We did already limit it quite a lot, testing it with lower values nearly looked like they were completely disabled. Mobs far away from the player are ticked at a lower rate (spigots doing) which means that they or only performing every x ticks their path-finding.. Mobs which are out of the players chunk area shouldn't even be doing anything unless mods do change the system here, which I don't know.
    Unfortunately the issue is the update time per mob and not the amount of them :(

    Seeing these opinions I guess the second way with disabling the natural spawn and selling the eggs/making them craft-able is even liked less.

    Maybe it would be worth a thought to think about 3 servers.
    1. build only -> no mobs, no farmworlds
    2. farm server -> mobs and farmworlds
    3. casual server -> normal setup with limited spawn rates (like we have already)
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2014
    masterml5 and hansi132 like this.
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    sorry for deleting the posts, but the topic wasn't done and I would you like to read the full wall of text first :p
    It is not related to the donor server request. Please leave it out of it as it is another topic/decision.
  3. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    my opinion is to keep BOTH, but limit the mobs
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    no offense but this sounds like that you either didn't read the full post to get all the intel or didn't understand it fully.
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    i read the full post, and i disagree about the advantages outwieghing the advantages, because mobs are needed to progress in nearly every mod (especially thaumcraft and ender IO)
  6. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    If you can get some developers to figure out a way to let tesseracts work between servers, that would be helpful, but making the server work in the first place should take top priority.

    I am a bit curious, though, how do you plan to solve the TPS issue? If you move mobs to another server, that server is going to still lag.

    Oh, and will the Peaceful Table be permitted so that we can get mob drops in the Build world?
  7. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I think this can work.
    I have 1 request, enable the Peaceful table for those players that "cant" or wont be able to transfer stuff across servers since tesseracts and other things wont transfer items.

    The performance was very nice for the past 24hrs. Im sure everyone will agree.[DOUBLEPOST=1419556315,1419556238][/DOUBLEPOST]
    You didnt read it then.... there will be a "new" server with mobs.... and you can get there with a linked inventory. Not seeing what you mean by you need mobs... there will be mobs... just not on the "main" server[DOUBLEPOST=1419556400][/DOUBLEPOST]
    You can set up a Sub net ME system... then go grab the drives and switch worlds.
    Manually moving items once in a while wont kill anyone

    Edit: How much Ram is the TDT currently running on?
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2014
  8. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    I think disabiling mobs completely changes the game. I would rather see, a limit on natural spawns and no player controlled spawns (no autospawner,powered spawners, oven any method of moving spawners, possilbly like quaries, only have them work in farm worlds.
  9. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    if you want less crashes disable the forestry chest, we just got 3 of them in a row cuz of tthis[DOUBLEPOST=1419557088,1419557035][/DOUBLEPOST]
    then how do you expect people to be able to get crimson cultists and knights and elderitch gaurdians mass produced?
  10. SilentStar

    SilentStar Well-Known Member

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    Before i want to give my opinion i need time to think about that idea. What is suggested here is a seperate world with mobs. So there will be mobs just not in our build-world.
  11. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Auto spawned on the Server that allows mobs..... again did you read the whole original post?
  12. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    I don't like that, I would jsut like to ban any way of player triggered spawns in build world. still have to protect from zombie attacks, spiders infestations and other natural hazzards.[DOUBLEPOST=1419557552,1419557488][/DOUBLEPOST]
    That is one of the problems of the lag, move that to other server
  13. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    very little of the lag is from those mobs, being so hard to spawn[DOUBLEPOST=1419558137][/DOUBLEPOST]
    my issue with this is that i'd have to RT to my mob farm just to check up on it every time, and it probibally wouldn't be able to be claimed and it would run for about 10 minutes each day
  14. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    You didnt read the post then.... everything your says has been answered.....
    It says allow claiming and amount of homes adjusted..... will you please read the whole post.

    • advantage
      • major increase in performance. probably from 80-90ms with +30 players on tdt to 20-30ms (its less than above because of the missing extra worlds) = triple performance
      • (double home points, might be adjusted)
      • claims in farm worlds (oO)
  15. RabidCadaver

    RabidCadaver Well-Known Member

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    Man. It is a serious shame that there's not an item that you could say... feed a grinder to, an autospawner and a safari net that would just generate drops every so often.
    Slind likes this.
  16. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    still would be active for only 10 minutes per day
  17. privilegue

    privilegue Well-Known Member

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    Completely agree. Have the "main" (builder world) and then the others are separate, totally fine by me. I actually like the idea very much, it makes a lot of sense to split up server resources like this. All you got to do is tell new people at spawn whats going on etc.

    And yeah sub net AE system isn't really an issue;
  18. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    Sounds like what the peaceful table does, only it uses a weapon of yours.
    Ten minutes sounds like once-per-day. So you only have to switch twice a day... I relog more than that daily just from server resets and crashes. Stop complaining, when there's no real problem.
  19. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Slind also said:

    " There many down sights, maybe even too many. But around most of them we could build solutions that make it usable. E.g. access to chunk loaders which work even while being offline (on the other server), this allows blood magic altars to collect LP, the sheep farm to produce wool, the pumps filling tanks..."

    So we could potentially have an area loaded all the time doing whatever is needed on this other server. You would just have to go get the stuff instead of it being tesseracted in.

    Reminds me of the old tekkit"factory worlds" You know its not gonna be the greatest performance, but the 24/7 runtime made up for it
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2014
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  20. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    chugga. read the freaking post. man, come on, you can't be serious. How do you expect people to care about your thoughts if you can't read a post after being asked multiple times about it and shown that you didn't read it.
    Stuartdavidevett and Lawmonark like this.

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