Info Infinity Node 1-4 - Reset & Update

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by SirWill, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    9:38 PM
    and this is why you were surprised when we were in a team on TDT, the universal team moves from pack to pack leaving a few behind that catch up because we destroy it so fast
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    hmm, the only thing I can think of would be to self host a server. Cause if less than 6 months is frightening you that's a really long time, on which I wouldn't trust anyone. From watching servers be it from the outside or being in contact with owners I can give you a few facts.
    The average life time of a medium to small sized server is 2-3 months. (not the world, the server!) Servers/Networks often resetting a world's have the highest players (no one stays if you need to break all blocks 3 times at the beginning, overpraised). Issues which are not straight forward to solve are often dealt with chunk deletion or even world resets. Frequent backups seem to be a rare thing (you don't really need them if you don't mess up as most things can be fixed if you know how, we require less than one backup restore a month overall - not counting questbook rollbacks and human mistakes)...

    I don't mean to frighten you any more but I think it is better than getting disappointed over and over again. So if you are looking for a new server I wish you good luck and hope you are able to find one where the people in charge stay active, where they know how to fix things without rollback or reset and spend days on issues they can't solve directly and overall ofc the server stays up as long as you are eager to play.

    Overall my recommendation is still to be your own master, make use of the base download, setup the server and the map will never reset if you do proper backups and invest some time when issues arise. On top you get the best experience in terms of performance and who you let on or not is up to you.
  3. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Its NEVER been an issue in the 1.5 years I have been here, its only recently that the reset frequency has shortened. So its the change in reset frequency that is driving me out. I realize that finding another server that can match MYM is going to be nearly imposable. I have gotten a few MSG's on other boards pointing me in a few different directions toward working adult run servers with longer than normal reset patterns. I like the hi population server much more than a lo pop private server, but it may be the only option.

    Single player is boring, so Ill pass on the base download. I ran a server for a bit, but I would rather play than deal with any of the normal crap that comes up when your hosting.

    I will look around, if nothing fits my playstyle, might be time to find a new game.

    I hear star citizen is fun, and I have a good gaming machine so might be time to dust off the thrustmaster sticks and pedals and go pilot a space ship.[DOUBLEPOST=1434151182][/DOUBLEPOST]
    LOL no, I was surprised at the all GOGOGOGO and no management of anything. I would rather spend a day making it look good than just ploping stuff everywhere for the fastest way to do something.

    I can get resources with the best of them, but have no desire to race thru the mods to be the first to the end.

    We were fine on TDT, I made sure resources were flowing in and 888leoj made sure to use them all LOL
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    XD, i'll try to get leo on again, @888leoj if you're still looking at forums, get on infinity, after the reset we can rebuild everything!
  5. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Did it really change? The reset frequency?
    AG is up for +9 months I think. Might be even more. TDT was around 6 Months. Crash landing only had one reset during this long time. I'm a little wondering where this feeling is coming from.

    Thinking back to the earlyndays of AG where we had resets after not even a full month and bteam while it was pretty busy, not to forget monster. I also don't think horizons saw more than 7 months.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  6. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Well no matter the reason, I will be unable to play this weekend. Maby Im even slower, who knows. I just cant do it again so soon(to me). There is just no reason to play anymore (for me) till the updated horizons is out.

    Its not you, its me( heard that before? lol) I must be getting slower. If you go look at my base, I was there from day 1. You will find DSU's with hundreds of thousands and even millions of ores un-processed, just collected. Tons of machines waiting on me to set up processing. No thaum, witchery or botania. I was planing on trying out the magic mods this weekend, never did them, except for thaum in horizons, which I never completed. I have tons of base items for each waiting to go. I tried departed for a week or so, never got most skills past 10 except for mining.
  7. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    Horizons daybreak comes out on June 19th :D
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  8. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Do you have a hording issue?

    you can make most machines with just a few stacks of ores(except on TDT or GT packs)
    A few months ago, i had the same issue. I would join a server and do nothing but amass a lot of resources, then look at the mod list and ask myself "why should i even make this stuff".
    Then i returned to vanilla where just collecting, storing and building was what the focus of the game was. Hopefully when FTB Vanilla Plus comes out, its a hit. It only have 65 mods and is mainly farming and building mods. Maybe try that when it comes out.
    As for Horizons 2, i feel it might be a bit differant the horizons 1. From what i heard on FTB streams, its very galactic craft like.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  9. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    LOL we are called "collectors" when its all pretty!

    Yea H2 looks good so far. I'm definitely playing it.

    The local lan party group is into star citizen. Looks like to get in will cost some, and I'll probaly have to get a new hi-end computer, probably will need new sticks and pedals, but ohhh it looks pretty.
    ImJinx likes this.
  10. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    Normally MYM does keep the servers live longer, but Infinity was really designed as a single player or small group to play not large server with large number of players. I thank MYM for getting this a go, I was active and liked the "easy" play of infinity. but was soon distracted by some of the other servers on MYM that provided a little more challenge (and annoyed that Twilight was broken)

    However, it would be nice if people got more credit for purchased and vote rewards that were used on a server that is closed/reset. Two weeks is a little short.
  11. ImJinx

    ImJinx Well-Known Member

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    So, I will get my advanced AE2 Kit back... since I just bought that not that long ago? ... I love that it's being reset though bryan said I should shhh when talking about having one since I really wanted one lol. It's just my Advanced AE2 kit that I would either want back or the credits. Soooo I can use it for another kit I would use... I'm excited for the 15th now :)
  12. Rieader

    Rieader New Member

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    i bought both kits and claims block for N2 of infinity can i please get a refund on those items?
  13. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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    From what i know, those's kit's are a ONE time use. I don't think you will get a refund.
  14. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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  15. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Credits refunded.
    Credits refunded.
    ImJinx likes this.
  16. darkknight5124

    darkknight5124 New Member

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    is it possible to get x541 z 3164 y 65 its located on infinity node 1 as a single player world please its the whole dirt area and nether quarts building

    thank u for the reset ive been hoping for this for some time
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
  17. earthrotator13

    earthrotator13 New Member

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    node 3

    and if possible to get a additional spot than:
    (same node 3)
  18. kyba274

    kyba274 Patron Tier 3

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    Could I please ask for a download of my home on node 2?
    Coordinates are from x-1409, z-1632 to x-1520, z-1521. Could my player file be included in that? not sure how it works exactly....
  19. MrRoooo

    MrRoooo Well-Known Member

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    9:38 PM
    Horizons daybreak?? :bucktooth:
    Bennyboy1695 likes this.
  20. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    9:38 PM
    that is what the servers might be freed up for...

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