Info Figuring out the way new voting, tickets, and tokens work

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by LunaBlossoms, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    4:26 AM
    Hello everyone,
    As a moderator I have noticed many people asking about how just the new voting is working and everything that goes along with it. To make it easy on answering this question for myself, and hopefully for others that get asked, I thought to make a short forum post. I hope this helps and you guys will understand it a bit better.

    **Also, before I start, if there's something I'm missing, needs fixing, or if you can also add on a good easy description on how to work the new chunk loaders (especially on Regrowth, Agrarian Skies, and Galactic Science) as well...such additions/comments are very welcome and will be added onto the post! Thank you.**

    Are the voting sites still working? :
    Of course! Click on Me to be able to vote! Remember, you can only vote once per website, per every 24hrs.

    /vote redeem isn't working for me!! :
    Now, instead of doing /vote redeem, the way to redeem your votes, or now the so called tokens is through /shop command.

    How do I see how many tokens I've got?:
    To see that you can type in /vote show. A message should pop up letting you know how many tokens you've got left. Alternately, there's a message that pop's up ever so often letting you know "you still have (this many) tokens left, please redeem them".
    • Note: Voting 5 times should give you a total of 50 tokens (10 tokens per vote)

    Tokens aren't showing up! What do I do?:
    If your tokens have not been given to your account wait before making a ticket or a post! There's something in game that you can do!
    • Wait for 2-5 minutes
    • If they still do not show up you can type /vote forceupdate - this command forces the "initiation of vote to token conversion"
    How to work the shop:
    As you do /shop now the window that pops up should look a little bit like this:
    If it is how it looks, simply click on the emerald to be able to switch over to tokens.
    If it is not how the shop window looks, or you have already clicked on the emerald, the shop window should look like this:

    Here is how you can spend those sweet tokens!:
    • Ender Chest: Redeem tokens for random items -> 3 tokens = 1 item
    • Golden Shovel: Redeem tokens for Claim Blocks -> 1 token = 10 Claim blocks
    • Book & Quill: Redeem tokens for MyM's (money) -> 1 token = 10 Mym's
    • Iron Block: Redeem tokens for tickets (chunk loader) -> 1 token = 10,000 tickets
    Of course hovering over those icons will let you know what's what as well.

    Each time you click on the item you get a message in chat letting you know to type out the amount of tokens you want to be used up. You can redeem anything from below the number of tokens, to the exact number of tokens you've got.

    As for the chunk loader:
    This is what I know that works on other servers than the ones mentioned in this thread (Regrowth, Agrarian Skies, and Galactic Science). Of course, if you've got a simple guide for those please comment or make your own thread so that people who are confused or new to such a system can easily figure it out ^-^

    How do I see chunks?:
    If you press F9 button twice a green grid will pop up for you. This grid outlines where each chunk is. One of these chunks is 16 x 16 blocks.

    To make the chunk loader work you must redeem some tokens into tickets. The tickets are a crucial part for the chunk loaders as they are what is used to keep the loaders running.

    Iron Chunk loader (aka chunk loader that works when you're online):
    1. Make an iron block and place it in the area where you wish to have it be loaded while you're online.
    2. With an empty hand shift click the iron block to get an options menu to pop up
      • Gray dye (far left side): Disable chunk loader
      • 1st Lime dye: Enable 1x1 chunk
      • 2nd Lime dye: Enable 3x3 chunk
      • 3rd Lime dye: Enable 5x5 chunk
      • 4th Lime dye: Enable 7x7 chunk
      • 5th Lime dye: Enable 9x9 chunk
      • Book & Quill: Account Balance (amount of tickets left)
      Of course, as mentioned before, when you hover over these options these descriptions are available there too.
      Important: Hovering over the Lime Dye will also show you how many tickets per minute that chunk loader will use.
    3. Click on the dye for whichever one you want to use. Keep in mind these chunks are connected to one another.
    4. You're done! You can now go back to doing what you were. Also, one way to tell if the chunk loader is working...If you have particles enabled the chunk loader will spew out black puffs from time to time.

    Gold Chunk loader
    (aka chunk loader that works when you're offline):

    Reminder: This loader is available to donators only!
    Offline gold chunk loaders are available to everyone :)
    - source
    1. Make gold block and place it in the area where you wish to have it be loaded while you're offline
    2. With an empty hand shift click the gold block to get an options menu to pop up
        • Gray dye (far left side): Disable chunk loader
        • 1st Lime dye: Enable 1x1 chunk
        • 2nd Lime dye: Enable 3x3 chunk
        • 3rd Lime dye: Enable 5x5 chunk
        • 4th Lime dye: Enable 7x7 chunk
        • 5th Lime dye: Enable 9x9 chunk
        • Book & Quill: Account Balance (amount of tickets left)
      Of course, as mentioned before, when you hover over these options these descriptions are available there too.

      Important: Hovering over the Lime Dye will also show you how many tickets per minute that chunk loader will use.
    3. Click on the dye for whichever one you want to use. Keep in mind these chunks are connected to one another.
    4. You're done! You can now log-off while your machines work throughout your absence on the server.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2015
  2. Tejedramas

    Tejedramas Well-Known Member

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    10:26 AM
    Thanks so much for take your time for explain this. ^^
  3. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    4:26 AM
    No problem :)
  4. Kingtasia

    Kingtasia New Member

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    5:26 AM
    thank's!![DOUBLEPOST=1446760516,1446759944][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm literally doing everything, i shifted right clicked the block of iron, the menu never pops up.
  5. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    4:26 AM
    Are you sure you're doing so with an empty hand?
  6. Kingtasia

    Kingtasia New Member

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    5:26 AM
    i bought tickets too
  7. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    @Founder could you create a link to this thread that we can post in chat when someone asks for info about it, and also perhaps have that link as a <tip> triggered when a player says "vote redeem" in chat?

    I was on IE1 for about 12 hours yesterday, and I must have had to explain about the new system about once every 10-15 minutes the entire time I was on! :D
    elemage and LunaBlossoms like this.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    done Figuring out the way new voting, tickets, and tokens work | MineYourMind Community
    JacaRoe, LunaBlossoms and chaosblad3 like this.
  9. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    • Fixed up the formatting and made it a bit more clear.
    • Added a new step for when you don't see your tokens right away
    • Added a new step for Gold Chunk Loaders and clarified which block is used for online/offline loading
    Also thank you, @Slind for making a short link to this page!

    I'm glad people are making a use of this :)
  10. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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    2:26 AM
    Woah, voting has changed alot.
  11. WorCannibal

    WorCannibal Blasphemy is a victimless crime

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    Claims existing prior to this change are intact, correct?
    Claim Blocks can be moved around as before? (/abandonclaim, /abandonallclaim gives you claim blocks back)
    If you run out of tickets, do chunks stop loading?

    I think I know the answer to all of these but I'd rather clarify here then in-game.

    Thanks @Draven_Luv
  12. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    Yes, claim block commands such as ones you've mentioned still do work exactly as before :)
    WorCannibal likes this.
  13. neronix17

    neronix17 Well-Known Member

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    Should probably add how to see chunk boundaries (press F9 twice then a third time to hide them again) to the chunk loader section, some people think that chunk loaders are the center of the chunk loaded, not that it loads the particular chunk it happens to be in.
  14. LunaBlossoms

    LunaBlossoms Well-Known Member

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    That's a great suggestion! Adding it in right now :D
    WorCannibal likes this.
  15. MokitoPL

    MokitoPL New Member

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    hi. i have some problems with chunk loader. When i place it and try to set it up on 3x3 or other i get this msg

    its my first chunk loader

    Nick : Dremnor
  16. NickTy

    NickTy Active Member

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    What has not been posted anywhere that I could find is that Gold Chunkloaders are now only available to tiered users, I don't have a problem with this but I wish it had been posted, so I could have saved time and effort trying to get the Gold loader to work ;>)
  17. Tinnel

    Tinnel Well-Known Member

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    I really appreciate the work that went into this thread! Thanks Draven!
    LunaBlossoms likes this.
  18. Snowfoxs

    Snowfoxs Well-Known Member

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    Thank you, @Draven_Luv for taking the time to write this!
    LunaBlossoms likes this.
  19. NoggsCraft

    NoggsCraft Well-Known Member

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    is it possile to change myms's to chunkloader ticket? Im playing on Civilatizions server
  20. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    as of right now there is no way to change myms into chunkloader tickets sadly

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