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Interesting 1.7.10 Modpacks for Servers | MyM

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Slind, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:21 PM
    The custom map might not even be an issue in this case, since it is restricted to a couple of chunks, which could be copied into the players area when the island is created. The command blocks are probably a bigger issue.
  2. DanPiTV

    DanPiTV Learning Omni-Tool

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    10:21 PM
    That's what I thought. Manipulating (if possible) wouldn't be good --> Cheat. And I'm not sure about the amount, but wouldn't like alot of those islands with command blocks kill the server in terms of lag?
    SirStudMuffin likes this.
  3. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    4:21 PM
    Not really an issue I would say. They could do a reverse crash landing
  4. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:21 PM
    What is a reverse crash landing? :p
  5. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    the regular world is where the quests detect but the nether is where bases are.
  6. Timkoo

    Timkoo Well-Known Member

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    10:21 PM
    Heyy, can we make a MindCrack server? Ik, its 1.5 but its great because of GT(GregTech)!! And, fusion reactor. Many will (dont) know this modpack, so i do(nt) need a form.
  7. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    10:21 PM
    I highly doubt it, there is a pack for 1.7.10 called "Infitech 2" which has GT and is hard based pack. I recommended this pack a while back and recently. But it was denied. I still think Infitech is one of the best 1.7 packs.

    Would love to see a server for it. But even though we dont have a server for it, check it out.
    Alifalafel likes this.
  8. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    9:21 PM
    Didnt Mindcrack get a 1.7.10 version?
    Also Mindcrack was 1.4.7
  9. VortexWinds

    VortexWinds Well-Known Member

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    5:21 PM
  10. Syllogistics

    Syllogistics Active Member

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    10:21 PM
    This reminds me of Hubris, at the end it got taken down because almost no one played it (i think). So I am not sure if there is a big enough interest ;)

    Syllogistics out.
  11. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:21 PM
    I have been playing the Marooned modpack that I presented one page ago (Interesting 1.7.10 Modpacks for Servers | MyM | Page 19 | MineYourMind Community) for some weeks now and have to say that I am impressed by the details and work the author put into this pack. It is actually the first pack that makes Pams Harvestcraft interesting. It also keeps finding ways to kill me.
    It includes 6 different biome based maps you can create by templates and a skyblock version by creating a normal game. Every map comes with slightly different challenges.
    To give an example: The savanna map comes with vanilla cactus (which allows for water creation, since water is finite), while there is no rain. The jungle on the other hand comes with rain, but no vanilla cactus.

    Unfortunately I think now that it is hard to adapt for a MyM server. Especially since the author introduced a bunker at spawn which gets unlocked level by level by progressing in the HQM book.

    I still encourage everyone to check this pack out if you have some spare time in between all the MyM server play. :D
  12. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    10:21 PM
    Marooned sounds possible to make on server by having the bunker for each player in one dimension and having biome maps as worlds where each map is one dimension.
  13. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:21 PM
    It is not just the bunker. The questbook also asks for specific locations, not sure whether that works.

    Another problem is that you rely heavily on the questbook in the progression, since a lot of items are not craftable. I can already see lots of people complaining because they lost their stuff.
    Maybe it could be set up with the skyblock plugin, where every player gets his bunker, similar to crash landing or galactic science. All the other stuff would be in the regular reseting farmworld. But I don't know whether that works with the bunker levels opening up for each specific player. They usually use HQM quest gates.
  14. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    10:21 PM
    Maybe the bunkers could be part of the player island. They would always get loaded from template when new island is created and once player reaches the position in farmworld where the bunker should be, the player would be teleported to the correct bunker on his island if he already has it unlocked by quest. The player wouldn't be able to reach the bunkers any other way because they would be coated in bedrock.
  15. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    10:21 PM
    That is exactly what I said before. :D
    Copying the starter bunker into the player island and using the island protection system like Galactic Science or Crash Landing might be a solution. The only more complicated part is how the different level open up.

    Basically a flat map which has nothing except those player islands with the bunker. The farm world on contrast has the random stuff, but without the bunker and needs to be reset and randomly regenerated on a weekly basis or so.

    Also donor perks are a massive break of the pack, at least flight and godmode. The kits need to be adjusted, I am sure that I could come up with a set of stuff that doesn't break the progression to badly.

    Technically the SPUD (Spawn Point Underground Dungeon) could be deleted totally, I havent explored it completely to say whether it is necessary for the pack, but that changes the idea of the pack a bit.
  16. Areorah

    Areorah Member

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    3:21 PM
    Well if the "Bunker" is like Beyond Reality: Divergent, a server I played on was able to do HQM so that when the quest was unlocked for you or your team, you could enter it. Players could only unlock ones that they had unlocked, otherwise they couldn't enter the room.
  17. Orekoth

    Orekoth New Member

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    2:21 PM
    Hmm, first post, and it comes with a warning about bumping an old thread at the bottom... However, this particular thread looks like it's safe. :)

    I saw a post on the last page recommending Resonant Rise 3 and wanted to offer a little feedback. The server that I've been on for a couple of years now recently switched to RR3. The situation could (and hopefully would) be different on other servers, but while it did have some fun mods that I had never tried, it was also so massively easy that the server is now a graveyard. Magical crops and Calculator item duplication (not an exploit) basically did it in. Things like the new mobs, blood moon, reliquary, and thaumcraft addons were fun, though. Haven't yet tried Ancient Warfare...

    Of course, the server has been a bit slower since before the summer (so sad), so it wasn't only RR3 that was the issue.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016
  18. Zimbalza

    Zimbalza Well-Known Member

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    3:21 PM
    This thread is so old a post here could be necrotic but what I have to ask fits the thread title. Is it possible to try an get a mod pack on MyM that is not openly published but self-built? Most of the attributes on the list may not apply but I'll do what I can

    Type: Mixed. I have tried to only permit one mod per category, such as one tech mod, one magic mod, one pipe mod, etc. I did not apply this restriction to quality of life mods as Open Blocks may count as. This was done to try and reduce redundancy as you may find in many packs with over a handful of ways to double ore.

    Size: My title screen says ~123 mods as of current.

    What makes the pack special: Many of the mods included are very atypical of the usual FTB packs. For instance, rather than Pam's Harvest Craft I use Apple&Milk&Tea for much the same effect. Rather than Tinker's Construct I use Silent's Gems. Thermal Expansion, IndustrialCraft2, Buildcraft and many of the other mainstay mods are not included with alternatives for their function mostly covered.

    What do you like most about the pack: Since I made the pack what I like about it is really what I added over time. I started with MultiMC and added and removed mods off of curse as a general feel developed and mods either fit or did not. In a more general sense the lack of the common mods means the pack can offer an experience divorced of the now easy to follow steps to become established most players may have ingrained.

    Why do you think it is a great pack for a multiplayer environment: From what I see in my time on Infinity servers it feels as if perhaps something fresh could be welcome. So while I cannot say what makes a pack great for multiplayer, I can say that a good deal of the 1.7.10 fair has become stale. Perhaps a pack that moves right out of the comfort zones of most players can relieve a little of the routine of most pack play. The main magic mod is based upon exploration, litterally forcing a player to leave their safe home to progress. Resources from just about every biom are needed and are not attainable by any standard automated method, you really do have to strike out. Planes, frozen tundras, deserts and deep oceans contain new hidden structures needed to unlock your path, plants with unique biom habitats round out collecting. Both plants and ores cannot even be seen and identified until one is far enough along in progression. Special requirements from the Nether and End also play a role with a whole new layer added to the Nether and the End is transformed from an Island to an endless dimension in its own right. One additional dimension is added by the mod as a capstone to progress that is in itself quite visually appealing with custom music.

    I would like to say my understanding of the central mods is quite strong by this point but admit I do not know how they may interact with MyM server claim mechanics. If anything said here is of interest I can elaborate further and perhaps something can be worked out.
  19. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    2:21 PM
    @Zimbalza Is your modpack up on Curseforge or through Twitch?
  20. Zimbalza

    Zimbalza Well-Known Member

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    I have only ever made this pack available to others directly and not by any wide distribution method. There is the matter of notifying mod creators and getting permission to be concerned with when making a public modpack and this is not something I have needed to do for my own personal use. I do not see why I could not take the needed steps if there was an interest in converting from a private pack to a more public one. I would expect a full mod-list would be desired and I can get that easy enough.

    • Ars Magica

    • Adventure Backpack

    • AgriCraft

    • AppleMilkTea

    • Aroma1997's Dimensional World

    • Better Boat

    • Better Chests

    • BiblioCraft

    • Big Trees

    • Carpenter's Blocks

    • Cave Control

    • Chicken Chunks

    • Chisel

    • Chromaticraft

    • Compact Machines

    • Condensed Ores

    • Critter Pet

    • Damage Indicators

    • Dark Core

    • Deep Resonance

    • DenseOres

    • Dragon API

    • Dynamic Lights

    • Electricraft

    • EnderCore

    • Ender IO

    • Ender Core

    • EnhancedInventories

    • Ewy's Workshop

    • Expanded Redstone

    • Fancy Fluid Storage

    • Fognerf

    • Forbidden Magic

    • Forestry

    • Gendustry

    • Geostrata

    • Grimoire of Gaia 3

    • InventoryTools

    • InventoryTweaks

    • IvToolkit

    • Jabba

    • Magical Crops

    • Magic Bees

    • McJtyLib

    • MmmMmmMmmMmm

    • Mo'Villages

    • Mob Amputation

    • Mystcraft

    • NEI

    • Not Enough Resources

    • OnlinePicFrame

    • OpenBlocks

    • OpenMods

    • Origin

    • PChan3Mods

    • Pressure Pipes

    • Random Things

    • ReactorCraft

    • Recurrent Complex

    • Remote IO

    • RF Tools

    • Rotarycraft

    • Ruins

    • Silent's Gems

    • SonarCore

    • TaintedMagic

    • TCInventoryscan

    • TCNodeTracker

    • TerritoryZone

    • Thaumcraft

    • Thaumcraft NEI pluggin

    • ThaumicExploration

    • ThaumicTinkerer

    • UsefulTNT

    • Vending

    • Void Monster

    • WAILA

    • WR-CBE Core

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