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Modpack: SevTech: Ages

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Slind, Mar 28, 2018.

  1. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    9:49 PM
    Ah, I wondered why Item Ids changed and stuff.
    Those marker change mod and item completely. Even WAILA Item ID display is tricked. ;-)
    BanananaBread likes this.
  2. n0m00dt0playg00d

    n0m00dt0playg00d New Member

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    9:49 PM
    I like this mod, because you get used to a lot of mods that you would else never use. just to complete your progression into further ages...
  3. DrummerBoyNo

    DrummerBoyNo Well-Known Member

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    My question is why do you need to ban items in this pack, Darkosto has interweaved this pack so much that it needs almost all blocks in the pack to progress.

    Also, the server would need to be very beefy in order to run this pack, I know there will be a lot of people who want to play it, there would need at least 2 nodes if and when it launches in order keep the servers health. Could you make the farm world reset everyday but each time it dose the seed is changed?
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2018
  4. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Because most pack authors do not take into account items that:
    • Cause Dupes
    • Crash servers
    • Bypass protection

    If and when this comes on, I can almost promise you that it will be Patron Only due to how beafy a server this pack would require with multiple players on it.
  5. Maatschunat

    Maatschunat Active Member

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    9:49 PM
    I played SevTech on 2 Servers now until more than age 2 and there is nothing to be banned or Worldgen problems ont he servers. The Ores are "hidden" untill u reache progress point x,y and the Waila is only hidden untill age 1. on <other network> we are playing with 25 pll on and little blocklag. Dont understand the problems. iam not sure to post links here that u can check ur self but not sure about if its allowed to post other networks here. so Google Sevtech <other network> urself.

    edited by mod: Linking other servers is against the rules
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2018
  6. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Rules - MineYourMind 5.0

    Advertizing is against the rules and usually earns you a permaban. Since I don't assume malicious intention here, I only edited your post accordingly.
  7. Maatschunat

    Maatschunat Active Member

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    it was just for reference...
  8. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I know that, that is why I only edited. Staff can still see the history, so the information is not lost, if someone wants to go and see what the other network is doing.
  9. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    I was literally about to ask if SevTech Ages is to not be implemented then i saw this post. i would of wanted to ask if the option for my own server for $50 would be an option. I know it was suggested in the planning stages of the new store and what not. It's fun to see a progression mod packs like this one. It's not hard but not easy since a lot of stuff is limited until you get access to that age.
  10. Tapercrazy_jay

    Tapercrazy_jay Well-Known Member

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    8:49 PM
    i would so like to see this mod pack n mabye world in a team going be fun
  11. xavidram

    xavidram Well-Known Member

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    The only issue I have come across with the pack is mob spawning, especially in the Darklands. A big part of the early game, age 0, is finding a darkland to make age 0 progression. If you have your render distance set to normal, sometimes it bugs out and mobs do not spawn, which has generally be solved by restarting the game and ensuring your render distance is set to low. Since there is a world limit on servers, I would recommend generating a seed where there is a darkland somewhere within the limits. Also, keep in mind to run this pack, most users need to at least dedicate 6gb ram to the game in order to even run it with minimal requirements. I've run this with 8gb allocated to simply run it without issues, and 12gb since I like to play with shaders, but that's just me. Most modpacks don't really require a lot of ram to run the games, generally around 4, but I am not too sure of the average system specs for most users in this community. As for banning items, I'm already into age 4 and haven't really come across any possible duping items, but then again, playing in single player, so I haven't really looked for any.
  12. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    I've seen 1 server so far run this pack semi-successfully, only with a custom plugins made by a community member. Advancements bug out. Darklands would need to be 100% assured in the border. Plus, the mining world would need to be refreshed nearly every 2 weeks. Also, the pack needs a 4gb minimum ram to run. I use 6 to run it at about 70fps without resource packs etc.
  13. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    Darkosto him self says you need to use atleast 4gigs of ram tho he recommends atleast 6 to 8 GB of ram i give 16 of 32 caus of high-res texture and shaders

    But onto the point of a server twilight forest and darklands needs to be enabled where darklands is rng i was lucky enough on my private hosted server to spawn right next to such biome
  14. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Up until the last update I believe this was forced behavior, or RNG was on my side for the dozen seeds I rolled. You would also need Jungles, or now Savannah in the active worlds as well for Parrots to progress. You can see where this favors a much smaller audience then a traditional server.

    You need parrots, six players have gone ahead of you and captured or killed them all.. you're out of luck. We can no longer generate recipes for things that need to be replaced due to the way minetweaker works now with 1.12.
  15. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    You summon eagles with a ritual, which require the parrots unless a ritual was added after Parrots were forced to generate in the Savannah.
  16. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    8:49 PM
    Abbyssal Craft has a ritual to summon parrots. It says so on the advancement table.
  17. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Niffty. Though that does bring up another issue, those Abbysal Craft buildings, either you have to kill the very scary mobs or steal the blocks from them for a ritual.
  18. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    I won't rest until I squeeze 5 euro out of sandy
  19. harryarne

    harryarne Well-Known Member

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    9:49 PM
    Patron only early alpha-experimental server with expected resets warning pasted all over, pretty please? :)
  20. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    9:49 PM
    while CraftTweaker recipes are indeed impossible to add nowadays, there are still many possible solutions to custom alterations, using what is already in the pack.

    First off: Sponge has fixed the issues with Sponge<->Forge villager trades being mismatched, meaning SevTech's custom trades using VillagerTrades are functional again; allowing us to add [[x * n][y *n]->[z * n]] "trading" recipes. Not optimal, but it is within the bounds of the pack's base ideology.

    Secondly: ModularMachinery is in the pack, and while it is somewhere after the 50% mark in progression, it is a server-side JSON based build-custom-multiblocks mod, in which one can not only create custom multiblocks that use and/or generate fluids/items/energy, but also edit the already existing ones; allowing us, if we so choose, to create a "MyM-station" where we can freely create any type of recipe, making use of energy/items/fluids in any combination. It'd be a glorified hopper where you pump in items/fluid/energy and out comes whatever output that we've set.

    Neither of these options are orthodox to the usual MyM-procedures, no, but I'm merely stating the possibilities we already possess.

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