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Info The future of MyM - Shop Concept

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Dec 4, 2017.


Loot Boxes (see related Section)

Poll closed Dec 11, 2017.
  1. 1. Activates the upgrade instantly and excludes already active upgrades (can't get active upgrades).

    6 vote(s)
  2. 2. The upgrade is added to the players stock and can be activated manually.

    92 vote(s)
  1. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    9:31 AM
    In the dw 20 pack its rather easy to get it whit in 2 to 3 days tops on aoe a hell of a lot longer and who says there aren't a better endgame mod similar to drag evo
  2. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    9:31 AM
    Belgium did banned the lootbox, but the laws is really slow to evolve and company is in germany and all, it will kind of tough for them to do something about it until Europe follows, which is not so soon (but possible)
  3. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    9:31 AM
    The problem is that it also males mobs from other mods trivial. And as you can beat the chaotic dragon with just a normal jetpack and some basic weapon, the Drac Evo items do have more power than needed.
  4. Rebelborn

    Rebelborn Well-Known Member

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    9:31 AM
    what do this post have to do whit DE? its offtopic
  5. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    1:31 AM
    Rohen, few people could kill a chaos dragon without the heavily modified drac armor & staff, and who's to say god mode wasn't used? Anyhow, The draconic armor & staff was literally designed for the sheer purpose of killing the chaos dragon. It's useless against the Gaia, only inflicting the max damage you can cause to it, as the Gaia has a damage cap. Not to mention I've actually accomplished taking damage from things that straight up go around the armor. So, it's not overpowered. End of story.

    Where's the topic police when you need em'?
    [doublepost=1513446455][/doublepost]Also, I could beat an ender dragon with a stick and a potato jetpack. Will it take forever? Yeah, yeah it will. Is it possible? sure, depends really. Is it gonna take a ludicrously long time and potentially get me killed a million times over? yes, yes it will.
    [doublepost=1513446563][/doublepost]Also, let's just take a moment to think about the sheer ridiculousness of people like you making all these unnecssary arguments against a mod just because you dislike it... Seriously, accept it, the mod is what it is, and if you don't like it, don't use it, it's as simple as that. no need to clutter this forum post with your, "hate comments".
  6. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    4:31 AM
    Honestly MyM administration should do what some of the maplestory servers that I play. Become 100% anonymous with no info about them leaked after that just ignore mojang. They won’t be able to sue you for not complying because they do not know anything about you. The worst they can do is terminate account VIA ign of the admins but that the worst they can do.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

    Likes Received:
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    9:31 AM
    You always need to include drac Evo in every pack, even if it nas linearny progression that leads through every mod, and everyone is happy, because players can just not use it! Yay!

    First section of 2nd post:
    You just assumed a bunch of random stuff, ignored the fact that the armor gives you god mode against EVERYTHING EXCEPT FOR YOURSELF, assumed that the Gaia Guardian is the only hard Boss ever introduced by a mod and made a rather pointless statements that only affects wyvern armor, unless you are dying to a Kikoku user, crafting soul fragments or dying to a variation of the /kill command.
    2nd section of 2nd post:
    A stick and a potato jetpack aren't the only items avaible without the mod. And the items in the mod are an overkill. You hardly have a way of killing its bosses without them, and when you get them, you kill the boss effortlessly.
    Qutoing the last section again because of the extremelly high level of stupid:
    1.So I made arguments against something because I dislike it and have no arguments to support my opinion. Interesting.
    2.It's in every damn modpack, and every damn modpack is now progression based.
    3.I'm sorry to opressed the vurenable ethnic minority of Drac Evo fanboys.
    There might be a problem if the EU decides to ban Loot Boxes though.
  8. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    1:31 AM
    Wow, all that time to write out yet another useless hate comment... You never learn. Anyway, can someone PLEASE come put this train on it's rails? Someone here has a problem with keeping it there...
    [doublepost=1513472163][/doublepost]Also, let me remind you one last time, and I mean, ONE, LAST, TIME... there is nothing "effortless" about killing a chaos dragon with the armor. it took me 1/2 an hour, alone, in order to kill it, with FULLY UPGRADED (Draconic level being the highest I could get upgrades wise) ARMOR... And you say it was an effortless kill? I dang near died, multiple times. Again, fully upgraded draconic armor. Idk if you've ever fought the chaos dragon, probably haven't cause' you seem to be a member of some drac evo hate cult or something, but if you ever did, you'd understand why you need that armor so badly. if you aren't careful, that thing will kill you, draconic armor or no.
    [doublepost=1513472614,1513471941][/doublepost]Do you like Draconic Evolution? | MineYourMind Community
  9. Timmypwn

    Timmypwn Well-Known Member

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    9:31 AM
    how far is the MyM pack? or am i now spoilering?
    i hope they don't follow, its kinda stupid, those kind of laws make life even harder for companys that don't abuse it. just informa people better. all this protection of dump people
  10. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    9:31 AM
    The issue is not how stupid it is or not. It is that it is obviously abused by company especially towards kid, and thus a valid point. And if you let companies (and just people overall) be, it will always escalated to a certain point. Have you seen how lootbox evolved and take place in almost every system (P2P or F2P).

    I am not for banning it, but i think it will be quite hard to regulate it by laws for people that are not used to play games, but i hope companies will take as a warning, and Europe won't follow.

    Information is not enough, people are dumb/naive (and we all can be btw)
  11. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    9:31 AM
    Games that have loot boxes are kinda meh lets look at EAs new shining star battlefront 2 2017 it has loot cashes (loot box) i played the game i have most of the star cards in epic and iam missing 2 wich i just can craft its a biiig mess
    Now csgo it has loot boxes and I think u need keys to open them

    Now tf2 has had the so-called loot boxes for ages but they only costed keys or stuff I don't remember

    Here in denmark loot boxes Arnt streight gambling but as soon you can't control it its ludomaniac and then you need help
  12. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    9:31 AM
    You forgot shadow of war.
  13. EvilScotsman

    EvilScotsman Well-Known Member

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    8:31 AM
    Oh, are you guys not doing Divine Journey? I was kinda holding out for that, I'm not really into the newer mods.

    The Next Modpack! | MineYourMind Community
  14. roobarb2

    roobarb2 Bah, life is over rated

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    8:31 AM
    I've not been reading this every day so is there a summary of this so far? Or is it just spaghetti?
  15. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    4:31 AM
    We are, it's coming.. soonish.
    EvilScotsman likes this.
  16. SGamerXxX

    SGamerXxX Builder of Blocks, Killer of Zombies

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    7:31 PM

    Also just to summarize, are you guys just implementing the shop concept/eula thing, and then DJ now or is there still other steps?
  17. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    9:31 AM
    Only OP is worth reading and mostly slind answer tbh xD

    I feel like this is should be your signature
    Timmypwn likes this.
  18. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    9:31 AM
    yeah wyndman it would be a good signatue
  19. CollinsToys

    CollinsToys Well-Known Member

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    4:31 AM
    Something I saw on Reddit
  20. SGamerXxX

    SGamerXxX Builder of Blocks, Killer of Zombies

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    7:31 PM
    Interesting, plausible and funny. The thing is that its just as likely that someone will spends ridiculous amounts of money on TCG or Lootboxes, so remains the question are Lootboxes only mild form of gambling and should be denied? They are in essence just as dangerous as regular gambling, it is all matter of peoples' will to only spend so much on lootboxes.

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